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Categorie Geschiedenis Europa

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The Wars of Alexander the Great: 336-323 BC
Waldemar Heckel
€ 8,00
Heckel, Waldemar
€ 8,00
Die dritte Kraft. Der europäische Humanismus zwischen den Fronten des konfessionellen Zeitalters
Friedrich Heer
€ 12,50
Heer, Friedrich
€ 12,50
Elisabeth von Thuringen
P.A. Heeres
€ 5,00
Heeres, P.A.
€ 5,00
La Fortune des Boël: un énorme patrimoine, une immense dette sociale
Marco Van Hees
€ 10,00
Hees, Marco Van
€ 10,00
High Minds: The Victorians and the Birth of Modern Britain
Simon Heffer
€ 10,00
Heffer, Simon
€ 10,00
"Gedenke des ganzen Weges. . ." 150 Jahre Evangelisch-altreformierte Gemeinde Emlichheim 1845-1995
Habbo Heikens
€ 17,50
Heikens, Habbo (Vorwort)
€ 17,50
John L. Heilbron
€ 10,00
Heilbron, John L.
€ 10,00
Ooggetuigen van het Romeinse Rijk: in meer dan 60 reportages
Olivier Hekster e.a.
€ 10,00
Hekster, Olivier & Eric Moormann
€ 10,00
Liebenswertes Dresden / Dresden, close to my heart
Jürgen Helfricht
€ 8,00
Helfricht, Jürgen
€ 8,00
Landkarten der Pfalz am Rhein 1513-1803
Fritz Hellwig e.a.
€ 15,00
Hellwig, Fritz & Wolfgang Reiniger & Klaus Stopp
€ 15,00
Français. garde a vous! La guerre aéro-chimique que l'Allemagne prépare
Hemme Charles du e.a.
€ 10,00
Hemme Charles du & Hubert-Jacques
€ 10,00
Blucher and the Uprising of Prussia Against Napoleon 1806-1815
Ernest F. Henderson
€ 20,00
Henderson, Ernest F.
€ 20,00
Barrow Steelworks. An Illustrated History of the Haematite Steel Company
Stan Henderson e.a.
€ 8,00
Henderson, Stan & Ken Royall
€ 8,00
Beschaafde burgers: burgerlijkheid in de vroegmoderne tijd
Harald Hendrix e.a.
€ 6,00
Hendrix, Harald & Marijke Meijer Drees
€ 6,00
Seven Years Campaigning in the Peninsula and the Netherlands 1808-1815 - Volume Two
Sir Richard D. Henegan
€ 8,00
Henegan, Sir Richard D.
€ 8,00
Ein Herzogtum und viele Kronen: Coburg in Bayern und Europa
Michael Henker e.a.
€ 15,00
Henker, Michael - e.a.
€ 15,00
Having It So Good: Britain in the Fifties
Peter Hennessy
€ 12,50
Hennessy, Peter
€ 12,50
Ugraes: danske Stasi kontakter
Mette Herborg e.a.
€ 10,00
Herborg, Mette & Per Michaelsen
€ 10,00
Ireland in Prehistory
Michael Herity e.a.
€ 12,50
Herity, Michael & George Eogan
€ 12,50
Sir Watkin's Tours. Excursions to France, Italy and North Wales, 1768-71
Paul Hernon
€ 15,00
Hernon, Paul
€ 15,00
Bonaparte in Egypt
J. Christopher Herold
€ 10,00
Herold, J. Christopher
€ 10,00
Histoires De Rome
Noël Herpe
€ 10,00
Herpe, Noël (textes réunis par)
€ 10,00
Metternich: Staatsmann des Friedens
Franz Herre
€ 9,00
Herre, Franz
€ 9,00
Napoleon III. Glanz und Elend des Zweiten Kaiserreichs
Franz Herre
€ 8,00
Herre, Franz
€ 8,00
Met pen en briefkaart op stap. Italiaanse reizen van Elie van Rijckevorsel omstreeks 1900
Jan van Herwaarden
€ 12,50
Herwaarden, Jan van
€ 12,50
MetroBasel. Ein Modell einer europäischen Metropolitan
Jacques Herzog e.a.
€ 8,00
Herzog, Jacques & Pierre de Meuron & Manuel Herz
€ 8,00
Leonardo the inventor
Ludwig H. Heydenreich
€ 6,00
Heydenreich, Ludwig H.
€ 6,00
Disraeli and his world
Christopher Hibbert
€ 6,00
Hibbert, Christopher
€ 6,00
Nelson. A personal history
Christopher Hibbert
€ 10,00
Hibbert, Christopher
€ 10,00
Rome: The Biography of a City
Christopher Hibbert
€ 8,00
Hibbert, Christopher
€ 8,00
The Destruction of Lord Raglan: A Tragedy of the Crimean War 1854-55
Christopher Hibbert
€ 8,00
Hibbert, Christopher
€ 8,00
The Destruction of Lord Raglan: A Tragedy of the Crimean War 1854-55
Christopher Hibbert
€ 6,00
Hibbert, Christopher
€ 6,00
The Way Of King Arthur. The True Story of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table
Christopher Hibbert
€ 8,00
Hibbert, Christopher
€ 8,00
Venice: The Biography of a City
Christopher Hibbert
€ 12,50
Hibbert, Christopher
€ 12,50
Katie Hickman
€ 20,00
Hickman, Katie
€ 20,00
Daughters of Britannia: The Lives and Times of Diplomatic Wives
Katie Hickman
€ 10,00
Hickman, Katie
€ 10,00
Germany and Europe, 1919-1939
John Hiden
€ 8,00
Hiden, John
€ 8,00
The Anglo Saxon World
Nicholas J. Higham e.a.
€ 20,00
Higham, Nicholas J. & Martin J. Ryan
€ 20,00
Liberty Against the Law: Some Seventeenth-Century Controversies
Christopher Hill
€ 8,00
Hill, Christopher
€ 8,00
Napoleon's Troublesome Americans: Franco-American Relations, 1804-1815
Peter P. Hill
€ 10,00
Hill, Peter P.
€ 10,00
Dictionnaire historique des rues de Paris (2 volumes)
Jacques Hillairet
€ 150,00
Hillairet, Jacques
€ 150,00
The Wall. The People's Story
Christopher Hilton
€ 10,00
Hilton, Christopher
€ 10,00
Athénaïs: the life of Louis XIV's mistress: the real queen of France
Lisa Hilton
€ 10,00
Hilton, Lisa
€ 10,00
Marriage and Morals Among the Victorians and Other Essays
Gertrude Himmelfarb
€ 8,00
Himmelfarb, Gertrude
€ 8,00
De gebroeders Himmler: een Duitse familiegeschiedenis
Katrin Himmler
€ 12,50
Himmler, Katrin
€ 12,50
A brief history of the crusades. Islam and Christianity in the Struggle for World Supremacy
Geoffrey Hindley
€ 5,00
Hindley, Geoffrey
€ 5,00
Immortal Faces: Julia Margaret Cameron in the Isle of Wight
Brian Hinton
€ 8,00
Hinton, Brian
€ 8,00
History of Regent Street
Hermione Hobhouse
€ 6,00
Hobhouse, Hermione
€ 6,00
Industrial Archaeology of the Plym Valley
Ernie Hoblyn
€ 10,00
Hoblyn, Ernie
€ 10,00
Kaiserzeit. Bilder einer Epoche
Rolf Hochhuth e.a.
€ 10,00
Hochhuth, Rolf & Hans-Heinrich Koch
€ 10,00
Franco. A Concise Biography
Gabrielle Ashford Hodges
€ 10,00
Hodges, Gabrielle Ashford
€ 10,00
Cromwell's Buffoon. The Life and Career of the Regicide, Thomas Pride
Robert Hodkinson
€ 12,50
Hodkinson, Robert
€ 12,50
De renaissance
W.H. Hodson
€ 6,50
Hodson, W.H.
€ 6,50
The Viennese. Splendor, Twilight, and Exile
Paul Hoffmann
€ 10,00
Hoffmann, Paul
€ 10,00
A la recherche de la France
S. Hoffmann e.a.
€ 10,00
Hoffmann, S. & Ch.-P. Kindlberger & L. Wylie & J.-R. Pitts & J.-B. Duroselle & F. Goguel
€ 10,00
Ein nettes kleines Welttheater: Briefe an Thankmar Freiherr von Münchhausen
Christiane von Hofmannsthal
€ 6,00
Hofmannsthal, Christiane von
€ 6,00
Artistes reporters
Paul Hogarth
€ 15,00
Hogarth, Paul
€ 15,00
Ulrich von Hutten
Hajo Holborn
€ 6,50
Holborn, Hajo
€ 6,50
Chatham Naval Dockyard & Barracks Through Time
Clive Holden
€ 8,00
Holden, Clive
€ 8,00
Clive Holland e.a.
€ 15,00
Holland, Clive & Fred Whitehead (paintings)
€ 15,00
Blue-Water Empire: The British in the Mediterranean since 1800
Robert Holland
€ 12,50
Holland, Robert
€ 12,50
The Life of Gustavus Adolphus, surnamed the Great, King of Sweden
J.F. Hollings
€ 75,00
Hollings, J.F.
€ 75,00
Paris. Past and present
Charles Holme e.a.
€ 16,50
Holme, Charles (edited by) & E.A. Taylor
€ 16,50
The Oxford Illustrated History of Medieval Europe
George Holmes
€ 10,00
Holmes, George
€ 10,00
Coleridge: Early Visions
Richard Holmes
€ 6,50
Holmes, Richard
€ 6,50
Fatal Avenue: Travellers History of the Battlefields of Northern France and Flanders, 1346-1945
Richard Holmes
€ 10,00
Holmes, Richard
€ 10,00
In The Footsteps of Churchill
Richard Holmes
€ 10,00
Holmes, Richard
€ 10,00
Berlin-Chronik. Daten . Personen. Dokumente
Georg Holmsten
€ 8,00
Holmsten, Georg
€ 8,00
Von Danzig bis Riga. Ansichten, Stadtpläne und Landkarten von Ost- und Westpreußen, Danzig und dem Baltikum aus der Graphischen Sammlung des Germanischen Nationalmuseums Nürnberg
Karin Holzamer
€ 10,00
Holzamer, Karin
€ 10,00
Beautiful Britain: The English Lakes
Gordon Home
€ 9,00
Home, Gordon
€ 9,00
Vuil van de reis. Op dictatour door Europa
Frank van Hoorn
€ 10,00
Hoorn, Frank van
€ 10,00
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
Charles Hope
€ 10,00
Hope, Charles
€ 10,00
Spanish Journeys. A Portrait of Spain
Adam Hopkins
€ 6,50
Hopkins, Adam
€ 6,50
The book of Guinevere: legendary Queen of Camelot
Andrea Hopkins
€ 8,00
Hopkins, Andrea
€ 8,00
Life and Labour in Rural England, 1760-1850
Pamela Horn
€ 10,00
Horn, Pamela
€ 10,00
Victorian and Edwardian Schoolchild
Pamela Horn
€ 8,00
Horn, Pamela
€ 8,00
Friend or Foe: An Anglo-Saxon History of France
Alistair Horne
€ 9,00
Horne, Alistair
€ 9,00
A Brief History of Venice
Elizabeth Horodowich
€ 8,00
Horodowich, Elizabeth
€ 8,00
The Making of the English Landscape
W.G. Hoskins
€ 9,00
Hoskins, W.G.
€ 9,00
L'affaire Caillaux . . .ainsi finit la Belle Epoque
Paulette Houdyer
€ 10,00
Houdyer, Paulette
€ 10,00
Canterbury in old picture postcards
Terry Hougham
€ 8,00
Hougham, Terry
€ 8,00
Gerard Mercator 1512-1594: herdenkingsrede uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van de 450ste verjaring van Mercators geboorte in de openbare algemene vergadering van de Academie op 8 december 1962
J.A. van Houtte
€ 9,00
Houtte, J.A. van
€ 9,00
Mooiste keltische mythen en sagen
Guus Houtzager
€ 6,50
Houtzager, Guus
€ 6,50
Napoleon's Doctors: The Medical Services of the Grande Armee
Martin Howard
€ 40,00
Howard, Martin
€ 40,00
Een renaissance die oost en west verenigt. Een uitzending van Radio Vrij Berlijn
Peter Howard
€ 5,00
Howard, Peter
€ 5,00
De Elephant Man. De ware geschiedenis van het Engelse "gedrocht" Jospeh Carey Merrick (1862-1890)
Michael Howell e.a.
€ 5,00
Howell, Michael & Peter Ford
€ 5,00
Franken im Bild alter Karten: Kartographische Zeugnisse aus 7 Jahrhunderten
Alfred Höhn
€ 30,00
Höhn, Alfred
€ 30,00
Faroe Islands Today
Bjorn Hroarsson
€ 9,00
Hroarsson, Bjorn
€ 9,00
Entlang der Fürstenland-Strasse: Die Kulturlandschaft der Abtei St.Gallen
Johannes Huber
€ 50,00
Huber, Johannes
€ 50,00
Athos: Leben, Glaube, Kunst.
Paul Huber
€ 9,00
Huber, Paul
€ 9,00
France Renaissance
Gérard Hubert
€ 9,00
Hubert, Gérard
€ 9,00
Les Celtes et l'expansion celtique. Jusqu'a l'epoque de La Tène
Henri Hubert
€ 5,00
Hubert, Henri
€ 5,00
Die Romantik: Ausbreitung, Blütezeit und Verfall
Ricarda Huch
€ 10,00
Huch, Ricarda
€ 10,00
The Archaeology of Industry
Kenneth Hudson
€ 6,00
Hudson, Kenneth
€ 6,00
The Jubilee Years 1887-1897
Roger Hudson
€ 10,00
Hudson, Roger (compiler)
€ 10,00
Chatham Naval Dockyard & Barracks
David T. Hughes
€ 6,00
Hughes, David T.
€ 6,00
Paris le Passé
Victor Hugo
€ 15,00
Hugo, Victor
€ 15,00
Das Problem der Renaissance. Renaissance und Realismus
Johan. Huizinga
€ 12,50
Huizinga, Johan.
€ 12,50
Technology & industry: a Nordic heritage
Jan A.H. Hult
€ 6,00
Hult, Jan A.H.
€ 6,00
The love-affairs of Mary Queen of Scots
Martin Hume
€ 20,00
Hume, Martin
€ 20,00
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