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Categorie Geschiedenis Noord-Amerika

Aantal gevonden boeken: 729

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J. Edgar Hoover, the man and his secrets
Curt Gentry
€ 8,00
J.J. Dickison: Swamp Fox of the Confederacy
John J Koblas
€ 10,00
Jack Kennedy. Een leven als geen ander
Geoffrey Perret
€ 8,00
Jews in America. Four Centuries of an Uneasy Encounter: A History
Arthur Hertzberg
€ 12,50
JFK - een biografie van John F. Kerry
Michael Kranish
€ 5,00
JFK: The Life and Death of an American President. Volume 1: Reckless Youth
Nigel Hamilton
€ 10,00
John Muir in Yosemite
Shirley Sargent
€ 5,00
Kaarten van Amerika in de verzamelingen van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I
Hossam Elkhadem e.a.
€ 10,00
Ken Burn's Civil War: Historians Respond
Robert Brent Toplin
€ 8,00
Kennedy and the Promise of the Sixties
W.J. Rorabaugh
€ 10,00
Kennedy without tears. The man beneath the myth
Tom Wicker
€ 6,00
Kill-Cavalry: The Life of Union General Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
Samuel J. Martin
€ 10,00
Killing Kennedy. Het einde van een droom
Bill O' Reilly e.a.
€ 6,50
Klauwen af van mijn land! Brandende vragen aan George van Arabië
Michael Moore
€ 5,00
Koko Pelli Casanova of the Cliff Dwellers
John V. Young
€ 8,00
Kopet: A Documentary Narrative
M. Gidley
€ 12,50
Kulturen der nordamerikanischen Indianer
Christian F. Feest
€ 15,00
L'Amérique vue par l'Europe
Hugh Honour
€ 10,00
Las Vegas. As it began - as it grew
Stanley W. Paher
€ 5,00
Lee and His Army in Confederate History
Gary W. Gallagher
€ 8,00
Lee Considered: General Robert E. Lee and Civil War History
Alan T. Nolan
€ 8,00
Lee Grant: Profiles in Leadership from the Battlefields of Virginia
Jr. Bowery
€ 10,00
Lee's Ferry. Desert River Crossing
W.L. Rusho
€ 8,00
Lee's Miserables: Life in the Army of Northern Virginia from the Wilderness to Appomattox
J. Tracy Power
€ 10,00
Lee's Tar Heels: The Pettigrew-Kirkland-MacRae Brigade
Earl J. Hess
€ 15,00
Legends of the Old West: Trailblazers, Desperadoes, Wranglers, and Yarn-Spinners
Kent Alexander
€ 10,00
Leonard Bernstein
Joan Peyser
€ 8,00
Let Freedom Ring. The Words That Shaped Our America
Stephen Gillers
€ 8,00
Let's learn a little Hawaiian
Ray Helbig
€ 5,00
Lethal Glory: Dramatic Defeats of the Civil War
Philip Katcher
€ 8,00
Liberty and Conscience: A Documentary History of the Experiences of Conscientious Objectors in America Through the Civil War
Peter Brock
€ 10,00
Lincoln and His Generals
T. Harry Williams
€ 9,00
Lincoln on War: Our Greatest Commander-in-Chief Speaks to America
Harold Holzer
€ 9,00
Lincoln's Cavalrymen: A History of the Mounted Forces of the Army of the Potomac
Edward G. Longacre
€ 10,00
Lincoln's Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers' Home
Matthew Pinsker
€ 9,00
Lincoln's Unsung Heroes
Philip Katcher
€ 8,00
A. Scott Berg
€ 10,00
Live & be well. A celebration of jiddish culture in America. From the first immigrants to the second world war
Richard F Shepard e.a.
€ 6,00
Live steam: paddlewheel steamboats on the Mississippi system
Jon Kral
€ 20,00
Lost New York in Old Post Cards
Rod Kennedy
€ 10,00
Lost Triumph: Lee's Real Plan at Gettysburg And Why It Failed
Tom Carhart
€ 8,00
Luitenant Kennedy de oorlogsbelevenissen van President Kennedy in de Stille Zuidzee
Robert J. Donovan
€ 5,00
MacArthur and the American Century: A Reader
William M. Leary
€ 10,00
Main St.: American Retro
George Burns e.a.
€ 8,00
Maisons de Plantation
Jacqueline P. Vals-Denuzière
€ 6,00
Major Operations of the Navies in the Wars of American Independence
A.T. Mahan
€ 8,00
Making of a Continent
Ron Redfern
€ 10,00
Man of the House. The Life and Political Memoirs of Speaker Tip O'Neill
Tip O'Neill e.a.
€ 10,00
Manchild in the promised lasnd. A modern classic of the black experience
Claude Brown
€ 5,00
Manhattan in Maps: 1527-1995
Robert T. Augustyn e.a.
€ 202,00
Mankiller: A Chief and Her People
Wilma Pearl Mankiller e.a.
€ 10,00
Mardi Gras, Gumbo, and Zydeco. Readings in Louisiana Culture
Marcia Gaudet
€ 15,00
Martin Luther King
J.J. Buskes
€ 6,00
Marye's Heights: Fredericksburg
Victor Brooks
€ 8,00
Masters of the Shoals: Tales of the Cape Fear Pilots who Ran the Union Blockade
Jim McNeil
€ 8,00
McPherson's Ridge. Battleground America
Steven H. Newton
€ 6,00
Men of Fire: Grant, Forrest, and the Campaign That Decided the Civil War
Jack Hurst
€ 9,00
Menschenleven in Amerika
Rudolf Steinmetz
€ 6,50
Miami, trends and traditions
Roberto Schezen e.a.
€ 8,00
Mickey Cohen. The Life and Crimes of L.A.'s Notorious Mobster
Tere Tereba
€ 8,00
Mighty Stonewall
Frank Vandiver
€ 10,00
Monocle: Politics, Polemics & Satire for the sub-infulential (5 issues)
Victor S. Navasky
€ 30,00
Monuments in cedar, The authentic story of the totem pole
Edward L. Keithahn
€ 8,00
Mosby's War Reminiscences: Stuart's Cavalry Campaigns
John S. Mosby
€ 8,00
Mountain Memories: An Appalachian Sense of Place
Jim Clark
€ 15,00
Philip Ziegler
€ 10,00
Mr. Lincoln Goes To War
William Marvel
€ 9,00
Mr. Lincoln's T-Mails: How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War
Tom Wheeler
€ 8,00
My Father Said Yes. A White Pastor in Little Rock School Integration
Dunbar H. Ogden
€ 12,50
My Life In The Irish Brigade: The Civil War Memoirs of Private William Mccarter, 116th Pennsylvania Infantry
William McCarter e.a.
€ 8,00
My story
Amy Fisher
€ 6,50
Myths of North American Indians
Lewis Spence
€ 10,00
Nation on the Move: Mobility in U.S. History
Cornelis A. van Minnen e.a.
€ 8,00
Native American Traditions
Arthur Versluis
€ 5,00
Native Americans in early photographs
Tom Robotham
€ 15,00
Naval Documents of The American Revolution. Volume 8: American Theatre: Mar. 1, 1777-Apr. 30, 1777; European Theatre: Jan. 1, 1777-May 31, 1777; American Theatre: May 1, 1777-May 31, 1777
William James Morgan
€ 45,00
Neen Nederland, 'k vergeet u niet: Een beeld van het immigrantenleven in Amerika tussen 1846-1945 in verhalen, schetsen & gedichten
W. Lagerwey
€ 6,00
New Jerseyans in the Civil War: For Union and Liberty
William J. Jackson
€ 10,00
New Mexico 100 years ago
Skip Whiston
€ 5,00
New Orleans 1867: photographs by Theodore Lilienthal
Gary Van Zante
€ 15,00
New Orleans 1867: photographs by Theodore Lilienthal
Gary Van Zante
€ 15,00
New York
Allan Tannenbaum
€ 7,50
New York Beginnings: The Commercial Origins of New Netherland *SIGNED*
Thomas J. Condon
€ 10,00
New York City Traditions
Mike Evans
€ 5,00
New York Landmarks. A collection of architecture and historical details
Charles J. Ziga
€ 5,00
New York underground: 1970-1980
Veretta Cobler
€ 12,50
New York underground: 1970-1980
Veretta Cobler
€ 12,50
New York, then and now: 83 Manhattan Sites photographed in the Past and Present
Edward B. Watson
€ 8,00
Nieuw-Amsterdam. Eiland in het hart van de wereld
Russell Shorto
€ 15,00
Nieuws als wapen
Raymond Mens
€ 8,00
Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power
Robert Dallek
€ 20,00
No man can hinder me. The journey from slavery to emancipation through song. Met CD.
Velma Maia Thomas
€ 20,00
Noord-Amerikaanse indianen: cultuur en levenswijze
Christian F. Feest e.a.
€ 15,00
Noord-Amerikaanse indianen: cultuur en levenswijze
Christian F. Feest e.a.
€ 15,00
Nordamerikanische Geschichte. Ein Jahrtausend in Bildern.
Nick Yapp
€ 8,00
North American indian dwellings. From the Smithsonian report for 1924, pages 461-485
T.T. Waterman
€ 5,00
North American Indian Mythology
Cottie A. Burland
€ 5,00
North American Indian Portraits
Thomas W. Kavanagh
€ 12,50
North American Indians Myths and Legends
Lewis Spence
€ 8,00
Nothing but Victory: The Army of the Tennessee, 1861-1865
Steven E. Woodworth
€ 12,50
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