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The War Art of C.R.W. Nevinson
Joanne - a.o. Buggins
€ 25,00
Buggins, Joanne - a.o.
€ 25,00
Bert Bukman
€ 5,00
Bukman, Bert
€ 5,00
Friedenswirtschaft und Kriegsvorsorge. Deutschlands wirtschaftliche Rüstungsbestrebungen vor 1914
Lothar Burchardt
€ 45,00
Burchardt, Lothar
€ 45,00
Lezingen Western Front Association Nederland 1999-2002. Opgediept verleden V
Ger van der Burg e.a.
€ 12,50
Burg, Ger van der - e.a.
€ 12,50
The Nek. A Gallipoli Tragedy
Peter Burness
€ 10,00
Burness, Peter
€ 10,00
Eric Bush
€ 8,00
Bush, Eric
€ 8,00
Happy Days! A Humorous Narrative in Drawings of the Progress of American Arms 1917-1919
Alban B. Butler Jr.
€ 12,50
Butler Jr., Alban B.
€ 12,50
The Burden of Guilt. How Germany Shattered the Last Days of Peace, Summer 1914
Daniel Allen Butler
€ 10,00
Butler, Daniel Allen
€ 10,00
Bewogen Tijden: Kronieken en beelden 1915-1916
W.G.C. Byvanck
€ 15,00
Byvanck, W.G.C.
€ 15,00
August 1914. France, the Great War, and a Month That Changed the World Forever
Bruno Cabanes
€ 10,00
Cabanes, Bruno
€ 10,00
Larousse de la Grande Guerre
Bruno Cabanes e.a.
€ 12,50
Cabanes, Bruno & Anne Duménil
€ 12,50
Experiences of a dug-out
C.E. Callwell
€ 15,00
Callwell, C.E.
€ 15,00
Aces and Aircraft of World War I
Christopher Campbell
€ 12,50
Campbell, Christopher
€ 12,50
Burnside's Bridge: Antietam
John Cannan
€ 8,00
Cannan, John
€ 8,00
Les A. Carlyon
€ 8,00
Carlyon, Les A.
€ 8,00
The First World War at Sea in Photographs 1917
Phil Carradice
€ 8,00
Carradice, Phil
€ 8,00
Bob Carruthers
€ 10,00
Carruthers, Bob
€ 10,00
Spirits of the Somme
Bob Carruthers
€ 10,00
Carruthers, Bob
€ 10,00
Visions of War - Private Hitler's War 1914 1918
Bob Carruthers
€ 10,00
Carruthers, Bob
€ 10,00
Kitchener's War British: Strategy from 1914-1916
George H. Cassar
€ 15,00
Cassar, George H.
€ 15,00
Inniskilling Diaries 1899-1903
Martin Cassidy
€ 8,00
Cassidy, Martin
€ 8,00
Beaumont Hamel: Somme
Nigel Cave
€ 6,00
Cave, Nigel
€ 6,00
Battles of WWI: An Illustrated Account of Warfare Along the Western Front and On the Gallipoli Peninsula
Nigel Cawthorne
€ 8,00
Cawthorne, Nigel
€ 8,00
At the Eleventh Hour. Reflections, Hopes and Anxieties at the Closing of the Great War, 1918
Hugh Cecil e.a.
€ 12,50
Cecil, Hugh & Peter H. Liddle
€ 12,50
At the Eleventh Hour: Reflections, Hopes and Anxieties at the Closing of the Great War, 1918
Hugh Cecil e.a.
€ 10,00
Cecil, Hugh & Peter H. Linde (editors)
€ 10,00
De groote oorlog: de Eeerste Wereldoorlog in de Westhoek  + CD-rom
Dries - en anderen Chaerle
€ 15,00
Chaerle, Dries - en anderen (redactie)
€ 15,00
Anzac - Sari Bair
Stephen Chambers
€ 8,50
Chambers, Stephen
€ 8,50
From peace to war: a study in contrast 1857-1918
Oliver Lyttelton Viscount Chandos
€ 6,00
Chandos, Oliver Lyttelton Viscount
€ 6,00
Men in Gate North. In Memory and in Mourning
Paul Chapman
€ 17,50
Chapman, Paul
€ 17,50
In the Shadow of Hell. Ypres Sector 1914-1918. Behind the lines in Poperinghe
Paul Chapman e.a.
€ 10,00
Chapman, Paul & Ted Smith (ed.)
€ 10,00
Somme, 1916: Crucible of a British Army
Mike Chappell
€ 8,00
Chappell, Mike
€ 8,00
The Hundred Days Offensive: The History of the Final Campaign of World War I
Charles River Editors
€ 6,00
Charles River Editors
€ 6,00
Pozieres 1916: Australians on the Somme
Peter Charlton
€ 10,00
Charlton, Peter
€ 10,00
Grasping Gallipoli. Terrain, Maps and Failure at the Dardanelles, 1915
Peter Chasseaud e.a.
€ 12,50
Chasseaud, Peter & Peter Doyle
€ 12,50
Gabriel Chevallier
€ 15,00
Chevallier, Gabriel
€ 15,00
De Groote Oorlog 1914-'18: fotocollectie in Flanders Field Museum
Piet Chielens
€ 20,00
Chielens, Piet
€ 20,00
To See the Dawn Breaking: 76 Squadron Operations
W.R. Chorley
€ 15,00
Chorley, W.R.
€ 15,00
Retrospectief Frontleven 14-18
Ria Christens
€ 17,50
Christens, Ria
€ 17,50
The First World War in Photographs. 1915: Setbacks & Failures
John Christopher e.a.
€ 8,00
Christopher, John & Campbell McCutcheon
€ 8,00
The First World War in Photographs. 1916: A War of Attrition
John Christopher e.a.
€ 8,00
Christopher, John & Campbell McCutcheon
€ 8,00
The First World War in Photographs. 1917: Mud and Tanks
John Christopher e.a.
€ 8,00
Christopher, John & Campbell McCutcheon
€ 8,00
Great War Speeches
Sir Winston Churchill
€ 6,50
Churchill, Sir Winston
€ 6,50
Aces High: War in the Air Over the Western Front, 1914-18
Alan Clark
€ 10,00
Clark, Alan
€ 10,00
The Donkeys. A History of the British Expeditionary Force in 1915
Alan Clark
€ 10,00
Clark, Alan
€ 10,00
The World War I Collection: Gallipoli and the Early Battles 1914-15
Tim Coates
€ 9,00
Coates, Tim
€ 9,00
Defeat at Gallipoli: the Dardanelles, part II: 1915-16
Tim Coates
€ 8,00
Coates, Tim (editor)
€ 8,00
The Amritsar Massacre, 1919: General Dyer in the Punjab 1919
Tim Coates
€ 8,00
Coates, Tim (editor)
€ 8,00
The War to End All Wars: The American Military Experience in World War I
Edward M. Coffman
€ 15,00
Coffman, Edward M.
€ 15,00
Journey to the Trenches: Life of Isaac Rosenberg, 1890-1918
Joseph Cohen
€ 8,00
Cohen, Joseph
€ 8,00
De Grote Oorlog 1914-1918
H. Contamine
€ 6,00
Contamine, H.
€ 6,00
Scouting by Night
Fredk. G Cook
€ 6,00
Cook, Fredk. G
€ 6,00
Eyewitnesses at the Somme. A Muddy and Bloody Campaign 1916 1918
Tim Cook
€ 20,00
Cook, Tim
€ 20,00
The Air VCs
Peter G. Cooksley
€ 8,00
Cooksley, Peter G.
€ 8,00
The Birth of Independent Air Power: British Air Policy in the First World War
Malcolm Cooper
€ 40,00
Cooper, Malcolm
€ 40,00
The First World War Galleries
Paul Cornish
€ 10,00
Cornish, Paul
€ 10,00
Mud, Blood and Poppycock. Britain and the First World War
Gordon Corrigan
€ 7,50
Corrigan, Gordon
€ 7,50
Mud, Blood and Poppycock: Britain and the First World War
Gordon Corrigan
€ 10,00
Corrigan, Gordon
€ 10,00
Mud, Blood and Poppycock: Britain and the First World War
Gordon Corrigan
€ 10,00
Corrigan, Gordon
€ 10,00
Cambridgeshire Kitcheners. A History of 11th (Service) Battalion (Cambs) Suffolk Regiment
Joanna Costin
€ 17,50
Costin, Joanna
€ 17,50
Empires of the Dead: How One Man's Vision Led to the Creation of WWI's War Graves
David Crane
€ 6,00
Crane, David
€ 6,00
Fifteen Rounds a Minute. The Grenadiers at War. Augustus to December 1914. Edited from Diaries and Letters of Major 'Ma' Jeffreys and Others
Michael Craster
€ 12,50
Craster, Michael
€ 12,50
Wiltshire and the Great War. Training the Empire's Soldiers
T.S. Crawford
€ 10,00
Crawford, T.S.
€ 10,00
World War I in photographes
Robin Cross
€ 12,00
Cross, Robin
€ 12,00
The Lost Voices of World War I. An International Anthology of Writers, Poets and Playwrights
Tim Cross
€ 12,50
Cross, Tim
€ 12,50
Voices from Jutland A Centenary Commemoration
Jim Crossley
€ 10,00
Crossley, Jim
€ 10,00
A brass hat in no man's land
F.P. Crozier
€ 12,50
Crozier, F.P.
€ 12,50
Memoirs of a Rifleman Scout
Major F.M. Crum
€ 10,00
Crum, Major F.M.
€ 10,00
Memoirs of a Rifleman Scout
Major F.M. Crum
€ 10,00
Crum, Major F.M.
€ 10,00
The Australian Flying Corps In the Western and Eastern Theatres of War
F.M. Cutlack
€ 30,00
Cutlack, F.M.
€ 30,00
The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914-1918. Volume VIII: The Australian Flying Corps
F.M. Cutlack
€ 20,00
Cutlack, F.M.
€ 20,00
365 foto's
Julus Serafien D'Haene e.a.
€ 10,00
D'Haene, Julus Serafien & André Gysel
€ 10,00
De visie van de vijand: de Eerste Wereldoorlog door de ogen van Duitse fotografen
Peter D'Haeseleer
€ 10,00
D'Haeseleer, Peter
€ 10,00
The Countryside at War, 1914-18
Caroline Dakers
€ 8,00
Dakers, Caroline
€ 8,00
The Unknown Army: Mutinies in the British Army in World War I
Gloden Dallas e.a.
€ 10,00
Dallas, Gloden & Douglas Gill
€ 10,00
Gregor Dallas
€ 12,50
Dallas, Gregor
€ 12,50
The War from Within: German Women in the First World War
Ute Daniel
€ 6,00
Daniel, Ute
€ 6,00
Mallory: De Eerste Wereldoorlog en de verovering van de Mount Everest
Wade Davis
€ 15,00
Davis, Wade
€ 15,00
Somme Battle Stories
A.J. Dawson e.a.
€ 10,00
Dawson, A.J. & Bruce Bairnsfather (illustrations)
€ 10,00
Volhouden. Brieven in oorlogstijd
Coningsby Dawson
€ 30,00
Dawson, Coningsby
€ 30,00
De Brigade Grenadiers en Jagers: de Staf der Eerste Divisie en de eerste Mitrailleurafdeeling tijdens de Mobilisatie
De Brigade Grenadiers en Jagers
€ 125,00
De Brigade Grenadiers en Jagers
€ 125,00
The Raid on Zeebrugge. 23 April 1918, as Seen Through the Eyes of Captain Alfred Carpenter, VC
Carl Decaluwe e.a.
€ 15,00
Decaluwe, Carl & Tomas Termote
€ 15,00
Weathered witness: Relics of the First World War = Verstild en versteend: Relicten uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog
Wim Degrande e.a.
€ 20,00
Degrande , Wim & Patrick Goossens
€ 20,00
Blighty. British Society in the Era of the Great War
Gerard J. DeGroot
€ 10,00
DeGroot, Gerard J.
€ 10,00
Dardanelles: A Midshipman's Diary, 1915-16
H.M. Denham
€ 8,00
Denham, H.M.
€ 8,00
Paschendaele 1917. Tentoonstelling / Exhibition / Exposition / Ausstellung
Aleks Deseyne
€ 8,00
Deseyne, Aleks
€ 8,00
Raversijde 1914-1918. Geschiedenis van de Batterij Aachen / History of the Aachen Battery / Geschichte der Batterie Aachen / Historique de la Batterie Aachen
Aleks Deseyne
€ 15,00
Deseyne, Aleks
€ 15,00
Tyne Cot Cemetery. Een eeuwige Dodenwake en de Slag van Passendale: een hel van modder, vuur en bloed
André Deseyne
€ 12,00
Deseyne, André
€ 12,00
Onbekend Frans-Vlaanderen. De Grote Oorlog 1914-1918. Een inleidende verkenning rond Arras, Ieper en de Somme
Philippe Despriet
€ 6,00
Despriet, Philippe
€ 6,00
De Groote Oorlog in beeld, No 32 1917
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
De oorlog in beeld (2 afleveringen)
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
De oorlog in beeld april 1918
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
De oorlog in beeld februari 1918
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
De oorlog in beeld maart 1918
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
De oorlog in beeld mei 1917
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
De oorlog in beeld, augustus 1918
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
De oorlog in beeld, juli 1918
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
De oorlog in beeld, september 1918
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
De Oorlog in Februari 1918; Mei 1918; Juni 1918; Juli 1918; Augustus 1918 (5 delen samen)
diverse auteurs
€ 50,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 50,00
Dixmude. Avant et après la guerra 1914-1918 / Before and after the war 1914-1918
diverse auteurs
€ 20,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 20,00
German Prisoners in Great Britain
diverse auteurs
€ 45,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 45,00
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