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The Poems of Longfellow
H.W. Longfellow
€ 15,00
Longfellow, H.W.
€ 15,00
The poetical works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
€ 12,50
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
€ 12,50
The Poetical Works of Longfellow Including Recent Poems. With Explanatory Notes, Etc.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
€ 12,50
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
€ 12,50
The Wreck of the Hesperus
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
€ 10,00
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
€ 10,00
Wellington. The years of the sword
Elizabeth Longford
€ 5,00
Longford, Elizabeth
€ 5,00
The Rise and Fall of Third Leg
Jon Longhi
€ 8,00
Longhi, Jon
€ 8,00
Three Greek Romances: Daphnis and Chloe; An Ephesian Tale; The Hunters of Euboea
Longus e.a.
€ 5,00
Longus & Xenophon & Dio Chrysostom & Moses Hadas (translation and introduction)
€ 5,00
Borrowed Water. A Book of American Haiku
Los Altos Writers Roundtable
€ 10,00
Los Altos Writers Roundtable
€ 10,00
At the Mountains of Madness and other novels of terror
H.P. Lovecraft
€ 6,00
Lovecraft, H.P.
€ 6,00
Day by Day
Robert Lowell
€ 8,00
Lowell, Robert
€ 8,00
For the Union Dead
Robert Lowell
€ 8,00
Lowell, Robert
€ 8,00
Robert Lowell
€ 8,00
Lowell, Robert
€ 8,00
Life Studies
Robert Lowell
€ 20,00
Lowell, Robert
€ 20,00
Robert Lowell's Poems: a Selection
Robert Lowell
€ 8,00
Lowell, Robert
€ 8,00
Selected Poems
Robert Lowell
€ 12,50
Lowell, Robert
€ 12,50
The Voyage and other versions of poems by Baudelaire
Robert Lowell e.a.
€ 15,00
Lowell, Robert & Sidney Nolan (illustrated by)
€ 15,00
Anglo-Irish Poems of the Middle Ages
Angela M. Lucas
€ 45,00
Lucas, Angela M. (editor)
€ 45,00
For John Clare: An Anthology of Verse
John Lucas
€ 12,50
Lucas, John
€ 12,50
The tired lovers they are machines
€ 17,50
€ 17,50
The cry of the Halidon
Robert Ludlum
€ 6,50
Ludlum, Robert
€ 6,50
Twelve modern poets. An anthology
Artur Lundkvist
€ 5,00
Lundkvist, Artur (edited by)
€ 5,00
The Oxford Guide to Arthurian Literature and Legend
Alan Lupack
€ 30,00
Lupack, Alan
€ 30,00
Not in Front of the Grown-ups
Alison Lurie
€ 5,00
Lurie, Alison
€ 5,00
Tales from the ballet Swan Lake Petrouchka
Sylvia Lynham
€ 15,00
Lynham, Sylvia
€ 15,00
Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes
Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton
€ 12,50
Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer
€ 12,50
Whistling in the Dark: In Pursuit of the Nightingale
Richard Mabey
€ 20,00
Mabey, Richard
€ 20,00
Whistling In The Dark: In Pursuit of the Nightingale
Richard Mabey
€ 15,00
Mabey, Richard
€ 15,00
Poems of Love and Death
George MacBeth
€ 20,00
MacBeth, George
€ 20,00
The Penguin Book of Sick Verse
George Macbeth
€ 20,00
Macbeth, George (introduced and edited by)
€ 20,00
The Hugh Macdiarmid Anthology: Poems in Scots And English
Hugh Macdiarmid
€ 8,00
Macdiarmid, Hugh
€ 8,00
Fall on Your Knees
Ann-Marie MacDonald
€ 10,00
MacDonald, Ann-Marie
€ 10,00
Crowdie And Cream. Memoirs of a Hebridean Childhood
Finlay J. Macdonald
€ 5,00
Macdonald, Finlay J.
€ 5,00
The mind game
Hector Macdonald
€ 6,50
Macdonald, Hector
€ 6,50
The wycherly woman
Ross Macdonald
€ 5,00
Macdonald, Ross
€ 5,00
England their England
A.G. MacDonell e.a.
€ 10,00
MacDonell, A.G. & Hugo Vickers (introduction) & Peter Brookes (illustrations)
€ 10,00
Come from away
David MacFarlane
€ 5,00
MacFarlane, David
€ 5,00
The Prince: The Classic Analysis of Statesmanship and Power
Nicolas Machiavel
€ 6,00
Machiavel, Nicolas
€ 6,00
The Prince: the Famous Analysis of Statesmanship and Power
€ 5,00
€ 5,00
The Prince: the Famous Analysis of Statesmanship and Power
€ 6,00
€ 6,00
The Prince
Niccolò Machiavelli
€ 5,00
Machiavelli, Niccolò
€ 5,00
The Prince
Niccolò Machiavelli
€ 5,00
Machiavelli, Niccolò
€ 5,00
The Prince
Niccolò Machiavelli
€ 5,00
Machiavelli, Niccolò
€ 5,00
The Prince
Niccolò Machiavelli
€ 5,00
Machiavelli, Niccolò
€ 5,00
The Prince
Niccolò Machiavelli
€ 8,00
Machiavelli, Niccolò
€ 8,00
One Thousend One Gems of English Poetry
Charles Mackay
€ 20,00
Mackay, Charles (selected and arranged)
€ 20,00
A Year of Our Lives
John MacKenna
€ 10,00
MacKenna, John
€ 10,00
The Fallen and Other Stories
John MacKenna
€ 10,00
MacKenna, John
€ 10,00
The Man of Feeling
Henry Mackenzie
€ 9,00
Mackenzie, Henry
€ 9,00
Caravan to vaccares
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
Death train
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
Fear is the key
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
Ice station zebra
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
River of death
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
The golden gate
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
The guns of Navarone
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
The lonely sea
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
The satan bug
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
The way to dusty death
Alistair Maclean
€ 5,00
Maclean, Alistair
€ 5,00
Collected Poems
Louis MacNeice
€ 10,00
MacNeice, Louis
€ 10,00
The Deep Freeze and Other Stories
Marcello Maestro
€ 20,00
Maestro, Marcello
€ 20,00
Masterpieces of World Literature in Digest Form (4 volumes)
Frank N. Magill
€ 40,00
Magill, Frank N.
€ 40,00
Sleeping on the veranda: Three months in Tokyo
Jan R. Magnus
€ 8,00
Magnus, Jan R.
€ 8,00
The Borrower
Rebecca Makkai
€ 8,00
Makkai, Rebecca
€ 8,00
Pictures of Fidelman: an Exhibition
Bernard Malamud
€ 5,00
Malamud, Bernard
€ 5,00
The People and Uncollected Stories
Bernard Malamud
€ 8,00
Malamud, Bernard
€ 8,00
J.E. Malmstad
€ 9,00
Malmstad, J.E.
€ 9,00
Nobody's Boy: Sans Famille
Hector Malot
€ 10,00
Malot, Hector
€ 10,00
Remembering Babylon
David Malouf
€ 6,00
Malouf, David
€ 6,00
Glengarry Glen Ross: A Play in Two Acts
David Mamet
€ 5,00
Mamet, David
€ 5,00
The Water Engine. An American Fable and Mr. Happiness. Two Plays
David Mamet
€ 5,00
Mamet, David
€ 5,00
The Woods, Lakeboat, Edmond
David Mamet
€ 9,00
Mamet, David
€ 9,00
Girl meets ape
Chris Manby
€ 5,00
Manby, Chris
€ 5,00
Selected Poems of Giuseppe Ungaretti
Allen Mandelhaum
€ 30,00
Mandelhaum, Allen
€ 30,00
Modern Fantasy: Five Studies
C.N. Manlove
€ 20,00
Manlove, C.N.
€ 20,00
Turning Point
Klaus Mann
€ 15,00
Mann, Klaus
€ 15,00
Confessions of Felix Krull
Thomas Mann
€ 5,00
Mann, Thomas
€ 5,00
Death In Venice And Other Stories
Thomas Mann
€ 6,00
Mann, Thomas
€ 6,00
The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield
Katherine Mansfield
€ 10,00
Mansfield, Katherine
€ 10,00
The Garden Party
Katherine Mansfield
€ 10,00
Mansfield, Katherine
€ 10,00
A painter in search of a poet : A television documentary : Rigby Graham and John Clare
Charles Mapleston
€ 15,00
Mapleston, Charles
€ 15,00
Irish Short Stories (2 volumes)
David Marcus
€ 5,00
Marcus, David (selected and introduced by)
€ 5,00
The Book of the Thousand and One Night (4 volumes in box)
J.C. Mardrus
€ 60,00
Mardrus, J.C. (translation) & Powys Mathers (translation) & Eric Fraser (illustrations)
€ 60,00
Collected Poems
Walter de la Mare
€ 12,50
Mare, Walter de la
€ 12,50
Collected Rhymes and Verses
Walter de la Mare
€ 8,00
Mare, Walter de la
€ 8,00
A Writer's Britain: Landscape in Literature
Margaret Drabble
€ 10,00
Margaret Drabble
€ 10,00
West With the Night
Beryl Markham
€ 8,00
Markham, Beryl
€ 8,00
Four Plays
Christopher Marlowe
€ 25,00
Marlowe, Christopher
€ 25,00
So Far from God. A Journey to Central America
Patrick Marnham
€ 6,00
Marnham, Patrick
€ 6,00
Giuseppe 	Return to Naples
Giuseppe Marotta
€ 10,00
Marotta, Giuseppe
€ 10,00
In Evil Hour
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
€ 10,00
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia
€ 10,00
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
€ 8,00
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia
€ 8,00
The Autumn of the Patriarch
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
€ 8,00
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia
€ 8,00
One-act plays of to-day - first series
J.W. Marriott
€ 8,00
Marriott, J.W. (selected by)
€ 8,00
Kid Gloves. A Voyage Round My Father
Adam Mars-Jones
€ 10,00
Mars-Jones, Adam
€ 10,00
From the heart. Light-hearted verse
James Marsh
€ 5,00
Marsh, james
€ 5,00
The world, the flesh and Father Smith
Bruce Marshall
€ 5,00
Marshall, Bruce
€ 5,00
English Folk Tales
Sybill Marshall
€ 9,00
Marshall, Sybill
€ 9,00
The Malcontent
John Marston e.a.
€ 6,00
Marston, John & M.L. Wine (edited by)
€ 6,00
Reading Peter Reading
Isabel Martin
€ 10,00
Martin, Isabel
€ 10,00
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