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Categorie Geschiedenis Noord-Amerika

Aantal gevonden boeken: 681

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Lincoln and His Generals
T. Harry Williams
€ 9,00
Lincoln on War: Our Greatest Commander-in-Chief Speaks to America
Harold Holzer
€ 9,00
Lincoln's Sanctuary: Abraham Lincoln and the Soldiers' Home
Matthew Pinsker
€ 9,00
Mr. Lincoln Goes To War
William Marvel
€ 9,00
Nothing Like It in the World. The Men Who Built the Railway That United America
Stephen E. Ambrose
€ 9,00
Oh the Glory of It All
Sean Wilsey
€ 9,00
Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan
P.H. Sheridan
€ 9,00
Sex, Art, and American Culture: Essays
Camille Paglia
€ 9,00
The Cassell Dictionary of Napoleonic Wars
Stephen Pope
€ 9,00
The ends of power
H.R. Haldeman
€ 9,00
The First American Army: The Untold Story of George Washington and the Men Behind America's First Fight for Freedom
Bruce Chadwick
€ 9,00
The Gingerbread Age: A View of Victorian America
John Maass
€ 9,00
The Jewel of Liberty: Abraham Lincoln's Re-Election and the End of Slavery
David E. Long
€ 9,00
The Thompson Indians of British Columbia - Vol. 1 - Part IV
James Alexander Teit e.a.
€ 9,00
Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln As Commander In Chief
James M. McPherson
€ 9,00
Twentieth Century America: The Intellectual and Cultural Context
Douglas Tallack
€ 9,00
Until the Last Trumpet Sounds: The Life of General of the Armies John J. Pershing
Gene Smith
€ 9,00
Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War
Harry S. Stout
€ 9,00
Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War
Harry S. Stout
€ 9,00
We the People: A History of the United States
James I. Clark e.a.
€ 9,00
Promises to Keep
Joe Biden
€ 8,50
1836 Facts About The Alamo and The Texas War For Independence
Mary Deborah Petite
€ 8,00
A Dictionary of Geography. Definitions and Explanations of Terms used in Physical Geography
W.G. Moore
€ 8,00
A Short History of the Civil War at Sea
Spencer C. Tucker
€ 8,00
A slice of country life
George F. Walker
€ 8,00
A Year in the South: 1865: The True Story of Four Ordinary People Who Lived Through the Most Tumultuous Twelve Months in American History
Stephen V. Ash
€ 8,00
Alone with the President
John Strausbaugh
€ 8,00
America in Close-Up
Eckhard Fiedler e.a.
€ 8,00
America's Endangered Species. The Company We Keep
Douglas H. Chadwick e.a.
€ 8,00
America's First Dynasty: The Adamses, 1735-1918
Richard Brookhiser
€ 8,00
America's Toughest Sheriff: How We Can Win the War Against Crime
Joe Arpaio
€ 8,00
American Civil War Commanders (3): Union Leaders in the West
Philip Katcher
€ 8,00
American Civil War Commanders (3): Union Leaders in the West
Philip Katcher
€ 8,00
American Civilization: An Introduction
David Mauk e.a.
€ 8,00
American Coastal Defenses 1885-1950
T. McGovern e.a.
€ 8,00
American Frontiers: Cultural Encounters And Continental Conquest
Gregory H. Nobles
€ 8,00
American images: photography 1945-1980
Peter Turner
€ 8,00
American Indian Art
Norman Feder
€ 8,00
American Indian Design & Decoration
Le Roy H. Appleton
€ 8,00
American Retro: Diners
Alison Moss
€ 8,00
Amerika: das alte Europa entdeckt die neue Welt
Elisabeth Dobritzsch e.a.
€ 8,00
Angel in the Whirlwind: The Triumph of the American Revolution
Benson Bobrick
€ 8,00
Atlanta rising: the invention of an international city, 1946-1996
Frederick Allen
€ 8,00
Battle of New Orleans: Andrew Jackson and America's First Military Victory
Robert Remini
€ 8,00
Battles for Atlanta: Sherman Moves East
Ronald H. Bailey
€ 8,00
Michelle Obama
€ 8,00
Before i even got to Grand Central Station i sat down and wept
John Warren
€ 8,00
Boston Massacre
Robert Allison
€ 8,00
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Susan Winslow
€ 8,00
Bumper sticker wisdom: America's pulpit above the tailpipe
Carol W. Gardner
€ 8,00
Burn the Town and Sack the Banks: Confederates Attack Vermont!
Cathryn J. Prince
€ 8,00
Canontoriana: Canada, Ontario, Toronto. Cartography of Early Canadian Place Names from 1508
W.E. Swinton
€ 8,00
Confederate Emancipation: Southern Plans to Free and Arm Slaves during the Civil War
Bruce Levine
€ 8,00
Contact and Conflict: Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890
Robin Fisher
€ 8,00
Dead Certainties (Unwarranted Speculations)
Simon Schama
€ 8,00
Delaware Small Wonder
Kevin Fleming
€ 8,00
Donald Trump is niet gek. Een eigenzinnige gids voor de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen
Maarten Kolsloot e.a.
€ 8,00
Driving around the USA: Automobiles in American Life
Martin W. Sandler
€ 8,00
Famous Indian Tribes: their wars, their great chiefs, and how the different tribes lived
William Moyers e.a.
€ 8,00
Fanny Kemble's Civil Wars: The Story of America's Most Unlikely Abolitionist
Catherine Clinton
€ 8,00
Farm boy. An extraordinary human document and pictorial record about what is great, what is simple, what is pure and beautiful about America
Archie Lieberman
€ 8,00
From Freedom to Slavery. The Rebirth of Tyranny in America
Gerry Spence
€ 8,00
Frost, You Say? Yankee Monologue
Marshall J. Dodge e.a.
€ 8,00
Ghost towns of the Rockies
Lambert Florin
€ 8,00
Gold dust. The saga of the forty-niners - their adventures and ordeals in California and on the way there
Donald Dale Jackson
€ 8,00
Gone are the days. An illustrated history of the Old South
Harnett T. Kane
€ 8,00
Good Americans: Italian and Jewish Immigrants During the First World War
Christopher M. Sterba
€ 8,00
Grandmere. Een persoonlijke geschiedenis van Eleanor Roosevelt
David B. Roosevelt
€ 8,00
Great Gambles of the Civil War
Philip Katcher
€ 8,00
Hard Bargain: How FDR Twisted Churchill's Arm, Evaded the Law, and Changed the Role of the American Presidency
Robert Shogan
€ 8,00
Hells Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga
Hunter S. Thompson
€ 8,00
Het eerste saluutschot. De Amerikaanse vrijheidsstrijd en de Republiek
Barbara Tuchmann
€ 8,00
Hills of home. The rural Ozarks
Bob Minick
€ 8,00
Homeward Bound: The Demobilization of the Union and Confederate Armies, 1865-1866
William B. Holberton
€ 8,00
I Am Hutterite: The Fascinating True Story of a Young Woman's Journey to Reclaim Her Heritage
Mary-Ann Kirkby
€ 8,00
I Have a Dream : The Story of Martin Luther King in Text and Pictures
Charles Osborne
€ 8,00
If Only They Didn't Speak English. Notes From Trump's America
Jon Sopel
€ 8,00
In de Aanval. Het turbulente presidentschap van Donald Trump
Koen Petersen
€ 8,00
Incredible New York. High Life and Low Life from 1850 to 1950
Lloyd Morris
€ 8,00
Inside Las Vegas
Mario Puzo
€ 8,00
Inventing A Nation: Washington, Adams, Jefferson
Gore Vidal
€ 8,00
J. Edgar Hoover, the man and his secrets
Curt Gentry
€ 8,00
Jack Kennedy. Een leven als geen ander
Geoffrey Perret
€ 8,00
Ken Burn's Civil War: Historians Respond
Robert Brent Toplin
€ 8,00
Koko Pelli Casanova of the Cliff Dwellers
John V. Young
€ 8,00
Lee Considered: General Robert E. Lee and Civil War History
Alan T. Nolan
€ 8,00
Lee's Ferry. Desert River Crossing
W.L. Rusho
€ 8,00
Leonard Bernstein
Joan Peyser
€ 8,00
Let Freedom Ring. The Words That Shaped Our America
Stephen Gillers
€ 8,00
Lincoln's Unsung Heroes
Philip Katcher
€ 8,00
Main St.: American Retro
George Burns e.a.
€ 8,00
Major Operations of the Navies in the Wars of American Independence
A.T. Mahan
€ 8,00
Marye's Heights: Fredericksburg
Victor Brooks
€ 8,00
Masters of the Shoals: Tales of the Cape Fear Pilots who Ran the Union Blockade
Jim McNeil
€ 8,00
Miami, trends and traditions
Roberto Schezen e.a.
€ 8,00
Mickey Cohen. The Life and Crimes of L.A.'s Notorious Mobster
Tere Tereba
€ 8,00
Monuments in cedar, The authentic story of the totem pole
Edward L. Keithahn
€ 8,00
Mosby's War Reminiscences: Stuart's Cavalry Campaigns
John S. Mosby
€ 8,00
Mr. Lincoln's T-Mails: How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War
Tom Wheeler
€ 8,00
My Life In The Irish Brigade: The Civil War Memoirs of Private William Mccarter, 116th Pennsylvania Infantry
William McCarter e.a.
€ 8,00