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Sorteer op: Auteur | Titel | Prijs | Datum toegevoegd
Petrus Forestus medicus
Henriëtte A. - en naderen Bosman-Jelgersma
€ 10,00
Bosman-Jelgersma, Henriëtte A. - en naderen
€ 10,00
Het boek der uitvindingen, ambachten en fabrieken. Deel VI: De mechanische bewerking der grondstoffen
Dr. J. Bosscha Jr
€ 30,00
Bosscha Jr, Dr. J. (met een voorrede van)
€ 30,00
Theoretical Kinematics
O. Bottema e.a.
€ 15,00
Bottema, O. & B. Roth
€ 15,00
The Image: Knowledge in Life and Society
Kenneth E. Boulding
€ 8,00
Boulding, Kenneth E.
€ 8,00
Elements of Mathematics: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Chapters 4-6
N. Bourbaki
€ 60,00
Bourbaki, N.
€ 60,00
Elements of Mathematics: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Chapters 7-9
N. Bourbaki
€ 70,00
Bourbaki, N.
€ 70,00
Elements of Mathematics: Topological Vector Spaces: Chapters 1-5
N. Bourbaki
€ 140,00
Bourbaki, N.
€ 140,00
Éléments de Mathématique: Theories Spectrales: Chapitres 1 et 2
N. Bourbaki
€ 25,00
Bourbaki, N.
€ 25,00
Séminaire Bourbaki: Vol. 1980/81:  Exposés 561-578: Avec table par noms d'auteurs de 1967/68 à 1980/81
N. Bourbaki
€ 20,00
Bourbaki, N.
€ 20,00
Variétés différentielles et analytiques: Fascicule de résultats
N. Bourbaki
€ 50,00
Bourbaki, N.
€ 50,00
Elements of mathematics: Algebra I: Chapters 1-3
Nicolas Bourbaki
€ 250,00
Bourbaki, Nicolas
€ 250,00
Elements of mathematics: General Topology (2 volumes)
Nicolas Bourbaki
€ 70,00
Bourbaki, Nicolas
€ 70,00
Elements of Mathematics: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: Part.1: Chapters 1-3
Nicolas Bourbaki
€ 95,00
Bourbaki, Nicolas
€ 95,00
Elements of Mathematics: Theory of Sets
Nicolas Bourbaki
€ 150,00
Bourbaki, Nicolas
€ 150,00
The Physics of Quantum Information: Quantum Cryptography: Quantum Teleportation: Quantum Computation
Dirk Bouwmeester e.a.
€ 50,00
Bouwmeester, Dirk & Artur Ekert & Anton Zeiliger (editors)
€ 50,00
Gauge theories and experiments at high energies: proceedings of the twenty-first Scottish universities summer school in physics, St. Andrews, August 1980
K.C. Bowler e.a.
€ 75,00
Bowler, K.C. & D.G. Sutherland (editors)
€ 75,00
Nonlinear Optics - 3rd edition
Robert W. Boyd
€ 65,00
Boyd, Robert W.
€ 65,00
The Tyranny of Numbers. Why Counting Can't Make Us Happy
David Boyle
€ 6,00
Boyle, David
€ 6,00
Chemie: Verbindungen fürs Leben
Armin Börner
€ 10,00
Börner, Armin
€ 10,00
Water en vuur
Hugo Brandt Corstius
€ 5,00
Brandt Corstius, Hugo
€ 5,00
Water en vuur
Hugo Brandt Corstius
€ 5,00
Brandt Corstius, Hugo
€ 5,00
Water en vuur
Hugo Brandt Corstius
€ 5,00
Brandt Corstius, Hugo
€ 5,00
Textile fibers, yarns, and fabrics
Helen A. Bray
€ 20,00
Bray, Helen A.
€ 20,00
Sheaf Theory - Second edition
Glen E. Bredon
€ 50,00
Bredon, Glen E.
€ 50,00
Retort: Utrechtse Chemische Courant (2 afleveringen) + extra's
Jaap Breedveld e.a.
€ 15,00
Breedveld, Jaap & Jack van Dongen & Huug van Dijkman & Jan van Doorn (redactie)
€ 15,00
Quantum Fluids. Proceeding of the Sussex University Symposium 16-20 August 1965
D.F. Brewer
€ 10,00
Brewer, D.F.
€ 10,00
Champs, Cordes et Phénomènes Physiques = Fields, Strings and Critical Phenomena: Les Houches 1988 Session XLIX
E. Brézin e.a.
€ 150,00
Brézin, E. & J. Zinn-Justin (editors)
€ 150,00
The Large N Expansion In Quantum Field Theory And Statistical Physics:  From Spin Systems To 2-dimensional Gravity
Edouard Brézin e.a.
€ 125,00
Brézin, Edouard & Spenta R. Wadia (editors)
€ 125,00
Problem solvers. Matrices and vector spacec
F Brickell
€ 5,00
Brickell, F
€ 5,00
Chance in Physics: Foundations and Perspectives
J. - and others Bricmont
€ 100,00
Bricmont, J. - and others (editors)
€ 100,00
Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie (2 volumes)
Egbert Brieskorn
€ 50,00
Brieskorn, Egbert
€ 50,00
Physics and Mathematics of Strings: Memorial volume for Vadim Knizhnik
L. - and others Brink
€ 45,00
Brink, L. - and others (editors)
€ 45,00
De beteekenis der wiskunde
S. Brodetsky
€ 5,00
Brodetsky, S.
€ 5,00
Algebraische Geometrie. Eine Einführung
Markus Brodmann
€ 10,00
Brodmann, Markus
€ 10,00
Dynamische systemen en chaos: een revolutie vanuit de wiskunde
H.W. Broer e.a.
€ 12,50
Broer, H.W. & F. Verhulst
€ 12,50
Philosophical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory
Harvey R. Brown e.a.
€ 20,00
Brown, Harvey R. & Rom Harré (editors) Harvey R. Brown
€ 20,00
Renormalization: From Lorentz to Landau (and Beyond)
Laurie M. Brown
€ 60,00
Brown, Laurie M. (editor)
€ 60,00
Twentieth Century Physics (3 volumes)
Laurie M. - and others Brown
€ 75,00
Brown, Laurie M. - and others (editors)
€ 75,00
Einführung in die Differentialtopologie: Korrigierter Nachdruck
Theodor Bröcker e.a.
€ 20,00
Bröcker, Theodor & Klaus Jänich
€ 20,00
Essayprijs 2008. Essays naar aanleiding van afstudeer-/doctoraalscripties
W. Bruijns e.a.
€ 8,00
Bruijns, W. - e.a.
€ 8,00
Pythagoras in 90 minuten
Ellen de Bruin
€ 10,00
Bruin, Ellen de
€ 10,00
Cosmische stralen in het aardmagnetisch veld
E.M. Bruins
€ 10,00
Bruins, E.M.
€ 10,00
How Round Is Your Circle? Where Engineering and Mathematics meet
John Bryant
€ 12,50
Bryant, John
€ 12,50
Interpreting the Quantum World
Jeffrey Bub
€ 15,00
Bub, Jeffrey
€ 15,00
Ideas and Methods of Supersymmetry and Supergravity or a Walk Through Superspace
I. L. Buchbinder e.a.
€ 60,00
Buchbinder, I. L. & S.M. Kuzenko
€ 60,00
E.W. Twining: Model Maker, Artist & Engineer
Stan Buck
€ 10,00
Buck, Stan
€ 10,00
Lie Groups
Daniel Bump
€ 20,00
Bump, Daniel
€ 20,00
Geometry and Spectra of Compact Riemann Surfaces
Peter Buser
€ 100,00
Buser, Peter
€ 100,00
De wonderen der stralen
Gustav Büscher
€ 8,00
Büscher, Gustav
€ 8,00
Dictionary of the History of Science
W.F. Bynum e.a.
€ 8,00
Bynum, W.F. & E.J. Browne & Roy Porter
€ 8,00
Quantum Theories and Geometry
M. Cahen e.a.
€ 100,00
Cahen, M. & M. Flato
€ 100,00
Applied Chaos Theory A Paradigm for Complexity
A.B. Cambel
€ 15,00
Cambel, A.B.
€ 15,00
Sets, Logic and Categories
Peter J. Cameron
€ 20,00
Cameron, Peter J.
€ 20,00
Conceptual Developments of 20th Century Field Theories
Tian Yu Cao
€ 15,00
Cao, Tian Yu
€ 15,00
Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik
Rudolf Carnap e.a.
€ 20,00
Carnap, Rudolf & Thomas Bonk & Jesus Mosterin
€ 20,00
The Cognitive Basis of Science
Peter - and others Carruthers
€ 15,00
Carruthers, Peter - and others (editors)
€ 15,00
Cours de calcul différentiel
Henri Cartan
€ 15,00
Cartan, Henri
€ 15,00
The Classical and Quantum 6j-Symbols
J. Scott Carter e.a.
€ 35,00
Carter, J. Scott & Daniel E. Flath & Masahico Saito
€ 35,00
Lie Algebras of Finite and Affine Type
Roger Carter
€ 80,00
Carter, Roger
€ 80,00
Mens en kosmos: essays
H.B.G. Casimir
€ 6,00
Casimir, H.B.G.
€ 6,00
Uncertainty: The Life and Science of Werner Heisenberg
David C. Cassidy
€ 20,00
Cassidy, David C.
€ 20,00
Paradigms Lost: Images of Man in the Mirror of Science
John L. Casti
€ 9,00
Casti, John L.
€ 9,00
Engineering Ethics : Peace, Justice, and the Earth
George D. Catalano
€ 6,50
Catalano, George D.
€ 6,50
Textile Processing with Enzymes
A. Cavaco-Paulo e.a.
€ 95,00
Cavaco-Paulo, A. & G.M. Gubitz
€ 95,00
Introductory Biophysics
M. Cerdonio e.a.
€ 9,00
Cerdonio, M. & R.W. Noble
€ 9,00
Symmetries In Quantum Mechanics : From Angular Momentum To Supersymmetry
M. Chaichian e.a.
€ 15,00
Chaichian, M. & R. Hagedoorn
€ 15,00
A Field Guide to Algebra
Antoine Chambert-Loir
€ 25,00
Chambert-Loir, Antoine
€ 25,00
The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes
S. Chandrasekhar
€ 90,00
Chandrasekhar, S.
€ 90,00
Conversations on Mind, Matter, and Mathematics
Jean-Pierre Changeux e.a.
€ 10,00
Changeux, Jean-Pierre & Alain Connes
€ 10,00
A Guide to Quantum Groups
Vyjayanthi Chari e.a.
€ 50,00
Chari, Vyjayanthi & Andrew Pressley
€ 50,00
Einstein's Physics: Atoms, Quanta, and Relativity: Derived, Explained, and Appraised
Ta-Pei Cheng
€ 30,00
Cheng, Ta-Pei
€ 30,00
Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics
Ta-Pei Cheng e.a.
€ 30,00
Cheng, Ta-Pei & Ling-Fong Li
€ 30,00
Lectures on Differential Geometry
S.S. - and others Chern
€ 10,00
Chern, S.S. - and others
€ 10,00
Complex Manifolds without Potential Theory: with an Appendix on the Geometry of Characteristic Classes - Second Edition
Shiing Shen Chern
€ 20,00
Chern, Shiing Shen
€ 20,00
Quantum Theory of Gravity: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Bryce C. DeWitt
Steven M. Christensen
€ 75,00
Christensen, Steven M. (Editor)
€ 75,00
Set Theory for the Working Mathematician
Krzysztof Ciesielski
€ 20,00
Ciesielski, Krzysztof
€ 20,00
Mathematical Traveler. Exploring the Grand History of Numbers
Calvin C. Clawson
€ 10,00
Clawson, Calvin C.
€ 10,00
Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments and their Makers: Papers Presented at the Fourth Scientific Instrument Symposium, Amsterdam 23-26 Oct 1984
P.R. de Clercq
€ 25,00
Clercq, P.R. de
€ 25,00
Natuurkunde in de huiskamer, ongeveer 100 proeven met huishoudelijke voorwerpen
D.H. Cocheret
€ 10,00
Cocheret, D.H.
€ 10,00
Natuurkunde in de Huiskamer, ongeveer 100 proeven met huishoudelijke voorwerpen
D.H. Cocheret
€ 15,00
Cocheret, D.H.
€ 15,00
Hartog Jakob Hamburger
Ernst Cohen
€ 8,00
Cohen, Ernst
€ 8,00
Isaac Newton en het ware weten
Floris Cohen
€ 10,00
Cohen, Floris
€ 10,00
Revolution in Science
I. Bernard Cohen
€ 8,00
Cohen, I. Bernard
€ 8,00
Newton: A Norton Critical Edition
I. Bernard Cohen e.a.
€ 12,50
Cohen, I. Bernard & Richard S. Westfall (editors)
€ 12,50
De BWA over het wetenschapsbeleid
Peter - en anderen Cohen
€ 10,00
Cohen, Peter - en anderen
€ 10,00
Algebra - Second Edition (3 volumes)
P.M. Cohn
€ 75,00
Cohn, P.M.
€ 75,00
Wide Awake at 3 00 A.M.: By Choice or by Chance?
Richard M. Coleman
€ 7,00
Coleman, Richard M.
€ 7,00
The Golem: What everyone should know about science
Harry Collins e.a.
€ 9,00
Collins, Harry & Trevor Pinch
€ 9,00
Inverse Acoustic and Electromagnetic Scattering Theory
David Colton e.a.
€ 75,00
Colton, David & Rainer Kress
€ 75,00
Thomas A. Edison: a Streak of Luck
Robert E. Conot
€ 12,50
Conot, Robert E.
€ 12,50
Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups - Second edition
J.H. Conway e.a.
€ 45,00
Conway, J.H. & N.J.A. Sloane
€ 45,00
The Ideas of Particle Physics: An Introduction for Scientists - Second edition
G.D. Coughlan e.a.
€ 10,00
Coughlan, G.D. & J.E. Dodd
€ 10,00
The Mathematics of Ciphers: Number Theory and Rsa Cryptography
S.C. Coutinho
€ 15,00
Coutinho, S.C.
€ 15,00
Algebra of Probable Inference
Richard T. Cox
€ 10,00
Cox, Richard T.
€ 10,00
Vectoren en matrices: een inleiding in de lineaire algebra
Jan van de Craats
€ 15,00
Craats, Jan van de
€ 15,00
The History of Science from Augustine to Galileo
A. C. Crombie
€ 10,00
Crombie, A. C.
€ 10,00
What is Mathematical Logic?
John N. Crossley
€ 5,00
Crossley, John N.
€ 5,00
De herhalingsfiguren in de stijl van Quintus Curtius Rufus
J.M.C. Crousen
€ 8,00
Crousen, J.M.C.
€ 8,00
Ik was altijd heel slecht in wiskunde. Reken maar op de wiskundemeisjes
Jeanine Daems e.a.
€ 8,00
Daems, Jeanine & Ionica Smeets
€ 8,00
La Découverte du Monde: Une Histoire des Globes Terrestres et Célestes
Edward H. Dahl e.a.
€ 15,00
Dahl, Edward H. & Jean-Francois Gauvin
€ 15,00
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