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Categorie Geschiedenis Rusland

Aantal gevonden boeken: 353

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The Trotsky Papers 1917-1922. Volume I: 1917-1919
M. Meijer
€ 65,00
Meijer, M. (editedf and annotated by)
€ 65,00
De roode terreur in Rusland
S.P. Melgoenov
€ 30,00
Melgoenov, S.P.
€ 30,00
Lenin on the Train
Catherine Merridale
€ 10,00
Merridale, Catherine
€ 10,00
No Illusions: The Voices of Russia's Future Leaders, with a New Introduction
Ellen Mickiewicz
€ 10,00
Mickiewicz, Ellen
€ 10,00
Rubeigh James Minney
€ 9,00
Minney, Rubeigh James
€ 9,00
Die zeitgenössische Photographie in der Sowjetunion: Reportagen sozialer Wirklichkeit
Wiktor Misiano
€ 20,00
Misiano, Wiktor
€ 20,00
Journey For Our Time: The Journals of the Marquis de Custine Russia 1839
Simon Segab Montefiore
€ 8,00
Montefiore, Simon Segab (introduced by)
€ 8,00
Comrades: 1917: Russia in Revolution
Brian Moynahan
€ 10,00
Moynahan, Brian
€ 10,00
Russian Century. A Photojournalistic History of Russia in the Twentieth Century
Brian Moynahan
€ 10,00
Moynahan, Brian
€ 10,00
Russian Century. A Photojournalistic History of Russia in the Twentieth Century
Brian Moynahan
€ 12,50
Moynahan, Brian
€ 12,50
The Russian Century. A History of the Last Hundred Years
Brian Moynahan
€ 10,00
Moynahan, Brian
€ 10,00
Das andere Russland: junge Photographen sehen die Sowjetunion
Daniela Mrázková
€ 15,00
Mrázková, Daniela
€ 15,00
De waarheid in pacht
Carla Musterd
€ 8,00
Musterd, Carla
€ 8,00
Berija. Henker in Stalins diensten. Ende einer karriere
Vladimir F. Nekrassow
€ 6,50
Nekrassow, Vladimir F. (Hrsg.)
€ 6,50
Russland wachrütteln: Mein Vater Boris Nemzow und sein politisches Erbe
Schanna Nemzowa
€ 6,00
Nemzowa, Schanna
€ 6,00
Le Voyage en Russie du President Loubet. Mai 1902
Marie-Louise Neron e.a.
€ 50,00
Neron, Marie-Louise & Jean-Barnard
€ 50,00
A Traveller's History of Russia and the U.S.S.R.
Peter Neville
€ 8,00
Neville, Peter
€ 8,00
De sociale toestand der joden in Rusland onder de tsaren en de sowets. Een bijdrage tot de studie van heet jodenvraagstuk
Dr. J.A. Nillesen
€ 15,00
Nillesen, dr. J.A.
€ 15,00
Russian Fortresses 1480-1682
Konstantin Nossov e.a.
€ 9,00
Nossov, Konstantin & Peter Dennis (illustrations)
€ 9,00
Russian Fortresses 1480-1682
Konstantin Nossov e.a.
€ 9,00
Nossov, Konstantin & Peter Dennis (illustrations)
€ 9,00
Raspoetin, de meestermagiër
Jeane Oakley
€ 15,00
Oakley, Jeane
€ 15,00
The Russian Empire: A portrait in photographs
Chloe Obolensky e.a.
€ 15,00
Obolensky, Chloe & Max Hayward (introduction)
€ 15,00
Russia in the Era of Peter the Great
L. Jay Oliva
€ 6,00
Oliva, L. Jay
€ 6,00
St Petersburg: portrait of an imperial city
Boris Ometev e.a.
€ 35,00
Ometev, Boris & Stuart, John
€ 35,00
The Lands in Between: Russia vs. the West and the New Politics of Hybrid War
Mitchell A. Orenstein
€ 15,00
Orenstein, Mitchell A.
€ 15,00
Behind Putin's Curtain. Friendships and Misadventures Inside Russia
Stephan Orth
€ 10,00
Orth, Stephan
€ 10,00
Ik wend mijn schreden van Rusland van heden
G. Oversteegen
€ 10,00
Oversteegen, G.
€ 10,00
Travels in eighteenth century Russia
P.S. Pallas e.a.
€ 35,00
Pallas, P.S. e.a.
€ 35,00
Rusland in oorlog en vrede
Alan Palmer
€ 8,00
Palmer, Alan
€ 8,00
Nicolaas II en zijn familie. Herinneringen aan een Tsarenfamilie
Dominique Paoli e.a.
€ 8,00
Paoli, Dominique & Cyrille Boulay
€ 8,00
Stories of the Soviet Experience: Memoirs, Diaries, Dreams
Irina Paperno
€ 15,00
Paperno, Irina
€ 15,00
The Fall of the Russian Monarchy
Bernard Pares
€ 10,00
Pares, Bernard
€ 10,00
The Private Life of Kim Philby: The Moscow Years
Rufina Philby
€ 10,00
Philby, Rufina
€ 10,00
Zwart en wit uit het roode Rusland
H.C. Pieck
€ 20,00
Pieck, H.C.
€ 20,00
1917 Romanovs Revolutie
Mikhail Piotrovsky e.a.
€ 15,00
Piotrovsky, Mikhail & Alexander Münninghoff
€ 15,00
Russia under the Bolshevik Regime, 1919-1924
Richard Pipes
€ 10,00
Pipes, Richard
€ 10,00
Three Whys of the Russian Revolution
Richard Pipes
€ 6,00
Pipes, Richard
€ 6,00
Russia and the West: 19th Century
N. Pirumova e.a.
€ 6,50
Pirumova, N. & B. Itenberg & V. Antonov
€ 6,50
Brat: een gids door crimineel Rusland
Bas van der Plas
€ 10,00
Plas, Bas van der
€ 10,00
La russie moscovite
S.F. Platonov
€ 15,00
Platonov, S.F.
€ 15,00
Stalin's Folly: The first ten days of World War II on the Russian Front
Constantine Pleshakov
€ 8,00
Pleshakov, Constantine
€ 8,00
The Crimean Nexus. Putin's War and the Clash of Civilizations
Constantine Pleshakov
€ 12,50
Pleshakov, Constantine
€ 12,50
Jozef Stalin. De man van staal
Max van Poll
€ 8,00
Poll, Max van
€ 8,00
Molotov's Magic Lantern: A Journey in Russian History
Rachel Polonsky
€ 10,00
Polonsky, Rachel
€ 10,00
Molotov's Magic Lantern: Travels in Russian History
Rachel Polonsky
€ 10,00
Polonsky, Rachel
€ 10,00
Russia Perceived: A Trans-Siberian Journey
Elizabeth Pond
€ 10,00
Pond, Elizabeth
€ 10,00
Journey into Russia
Laurens van der Post
€ 8,00
Post, Laurens van der
€ 8,00
Formation of the borders of Russia in Central and Central Asia (XVIII-XIX centuries). The role of historical and geographical research and mapping: a monograph in documents (Russian text) *SIGNED*
A.V. Postnikov e.a.
€ 30,00
Postnikov, A.V. & V.S. Myasnikova & S.I. Vavilova
€ 30,00
Economic Maps in Pre-Reform Russia: Material for a History of Russian Economic Cartography
Arkady J. Preobrazhensky
€ 12,50
Preobrazhensky, Arkady J.
€ 12,50
Overleven in Grozny, zes gewone vrouwen over de russisch-tsjetsjeense oorlog
Petra Prochazkova
€ 8,00
prochazkova, Petra
€ 8,00
Overleven in Grozny, zes gewone vrouwen over de russisch-tsjetsjeense oorlog
Petra Prochazkova
€ 8,00
prochazkova, Petra
€ 8,00
A Russian Journey. Illustrated
Edna Dean Proctor
€ 65,00
Proctor, Edna Dean
€ 65,00
Understanding Conflict Between Russia and the EU. The Limits of Integration
Sergei Prozorov
€ 30,00
Prozorov, Sergei
€ 30,00
The War That Never Was: Fall of the Soviet Empire, 1985-1991
David Pryce-Jones
€ 10,00
Pryce-Jones, David
€ 10,00
Karl Marx. Een politieke biografie
Fritz J. Raddatz
€ 8,00
Raddatz, Fritz J.
€ 8,00
De Laatste Tsaar. Het drama van Nicolaas II
Edward Radzinsky
€ 6,50
Radzinsky, Edward
€ 6,50
Conspirator: Lenin in exile
Helen Rappaport
€ 12,50
Rappaport, Helen
€ 12,50
Conspirator: Lenin in Exile
Helen Rappaport
€ 8,00
Rappaport, Helen
€ 8,00
The Race to Save the Romanovs: The Truth Behind the Secret Plans to Rescue Russia's Imperial Family
Helen Rappaport
€ 12,50
Rappaport, Helen
€ 12,50
Kopstukken uit de twintigste eeuw. Lenin
Prof.dr. Georg von Rauch
€ 5,00
Rauch, prof.dr. Georg von
€ 5,00
Stalin. Een korte biografie
W. Reesema
€ 5,00
Reesema, W. (vertaling)
€ 5,00
Lost and Found in Russia: Encounters in a Deep Heartland
Susan Richards
€ 10,00
Richards, Susan
€ 10,00
Post-Soviet Perspective On Censorship and Freedom of the Media
Andrei Richter
€ 25,00
Richter, Andrei
€ 25,00
Soviet Education: The Gifted and the Handicapped
Jim Riordan
€ 8,00
Riordan, Jim (edited by)
€ 8,00
Defining Russian graphic arts: from Diaghilev to Stalin, 1898-1934
Alla Rosenfeld
€ 30,00
Rosenfeld, Alla
€ 30,00
Defining Russian graphic arts: from Diaghilev to Stalin, 1898-1934
Alla Rosenfeld
€ 30,00
Rosenfeld, Alla
€ 30,00
A History of the U.S.S.R.
Andrew Rothstein
€ 5,00
Rothstein, Andrew
€ 5,00
The second Russian revolution: the struggle for power in the Kremlin
Angus Roxburgh
€ 8,00
Roxburgh, Angus
€ 8,00
Jozef Stalin een biografie
Maximilien Rubel
€ 5,00
Rubel, Maximilien
€ 5,00
The Post-Soviet Handbook: A Guide to Grassroots Organizations and Internet Resources - Revised edition
M Holt - a.o. Ruffin
€ 12,50
Ruffin, M Holt - a.o.
€ 12,50
Mijn leven
Andrej Sacharov
€ 10,00
Sacharov, Andrej
€ 10,00
Sacharov spreekt. Van atoomgeleerde tot dissident
Andrej D. Sacharov e.a.
€ 5,00
Sacharov, Andrej D. & Harrison E. Salisbury (nawoord van)
€ 5,00
Rusland in revolutie 1900-1930
Harrison E. Salisbury
€ 8,00
Salisbury, Harrison E.
€ 8,00
Rusland in revolutie 1900-1930
Harrison E. Salisbury
€ 6,00
Salisbury, Harrison E.
€ 6,00
Russia in Revolution 1900-1930
Harrison E. Salisbury
€ 8,00
Salisbury, Harrison E.
€ 8,00
Russia 1917: The Unpublished Revolution
Jonathan Sanders e.a.
€ 10,00
Sanders, Jonathan & Vitaly Korotich (foreword)
€ 10,00
Age of Delirium: The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union
David Satter
€ 20,00
Satter, David
€ 20,00
Alma Ata. Ein kasachischer Fruhling
Klaus Schneider
€ 5,00
Schneider, Klaus
€ 5,00
I spy in Russia
Tim Sebastian
€ 8,00
Sebastian, Tim
€ 8,00
Alexander Pushkin 1799-1999
Nekrasov Sergei
€ 12,50
Sergei, Nekrasov
€ 12,50
Irkutsk and Lake Baikal
Mark Sergeyev
€ 8,00
Sergeyev, Mark
€ 8,00
A History of Twentieth-century Russia
Robert Service
€ 15,00
Service, Robert
€ 15,00
Spies and Commissars: Russia and the West in the Russian Revolution
Robert Service
€ 15,00
Service, Robert
€ 15,00
Russian Studies
Leonard Shapiro
€ 10,00
Shapiro, Leonard
€ 10,00
Eight Pieces of Empire: A 20-Year Journey Through the Soviet Collapse
Lawrence Scott Sheets
€ 10,00
Sheets, Lawrence Scott
€ 10,00
The Soviet economy
Howard J. Sherman
€ 6,00
Sherman, Howard J.
€ 6,00
Putin's Russia
Lilia Shevtsova
€ 15,00
Shevtsova, Lilia
€ 15,00
Yeltsin's Russia: Myths and Reality
Lilia Shevtsova
€ 8,00
Shevtsova, Lilia
€ 8,00
USSR. The Collapse of an Empire
Liu Heung Shing e.a.
€ 10,00
Shing, Liu Heung & Carroll Bogert (essay)
€ 10,00
After the Collapse: Russia Seeks Its Place As a Great Power
Dimitri K. Simes
€ 10,00
Simes, Dimitri K.
€ 10,00
Moscow coup: The death of the Soviet system
Martin Sixsmith
€ 8,00
Sixsmith, Martin
€ 8,00
De memoires van Nathan Sjtsjaranski
Nathan Sjtsjaranski
€ 8,00
Sjtsjaranski, Nathan
€ 8,00
De memoires van Nathan Sjtsjaranski
Nathan Sjtsjaranski
€ 8,00
Sjtsjaranski, Nathan
€ 8,00
At the Kremlin Gates. A Historical Portrait of Moscow
Gerald R. Skinner
€ 10,00
Skinner, Gerald R.
€ 10,00
At the Kremlin Gates. A Historical Portrait of Moscow
Gerald R. Skinner
€ 10,00
Skinner, Gerald R.
€ 10,00
Samara, provincial culture. An illustrated survey of the city and the region
Prof. V.P. Skobelev
€ 20,00
Skobelev, Prof. V.P.
€ 20,00
Iwan der schreckliche und seine zeit
Ruslan G. Skrynnikow
€ 6,50
Skrynnikow, Ruslan G.
€ 6,50
De wraak van Poetin: Rusland contra Europa
Hubert Smeets
€ 9,00
Smeets, Hubert
€ 9,00
Erfenis van een wereldrijk: ondergang van de Sovjet-Unie, opkomst van Rusland *GESIGNEERD*
Hubert Smeets e.a.
€ 20,00
Smeets, Hubert & Oleg Klimov
€ 20,00
For A New Russia The Mayor of St. Petersburg's Own Story of the Struggle for Justice and Democracy
Anatoly Sobchak
€ 10,00
Sobchak, Anatoly
€ 10,00