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Aantal gevonden boeken: 909

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Mother India: A Political Biography of Indira Gandhi
Pranay Gupte
€ 12,50
Gupte, Pranay
€ 12,50
Mythen en legenden van Japan
F. Hadland Davis e.a.
€ 10,00
Hadland Davis, F. & Evelyn Paul (illustraties)
€ 10,00
Tusschen olifanten en krokodillen. Jachtavonturen op Ceylon, het tropische paradijs
John Hagenbeck
€ 8,00
Hagenbeck, John
€ 8,00
Raffles of Singapore. A biography
Emily Hahn
€ 8,00
Hahn, Emily
€ 8,00
Miniatures from the East
Lubor Hajek
€ 6,00
Hajek, Lubor
€ 6,00
Indian Miniatures of the Moghul School
Tubor Hajek
€ 8,00
Hajek, Tubor
€ 8,00
The armour book in Honcho-Gunkiko
Arai Hakuseki
€ 125,00
Hakuseki, Arai
€ 125,00
Told Round a Brushwood Fire: the Autobiography of Arai Hakuseki
Arai Hakuseki
€ 20,00
Hakuseki, Arai
€ 20,00
The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War
David Halberstam
€ 10,00
Halberstam, David
€ 10,00
Japan: from Prehistory to Modern Times
John Whitney Hall
€ 8,00
Hall, John Whitney
€ 8,00
Hanyangdoseong, the Seoul City Wall. Photo Book
Jong-gyu - a.o. Ham
€ 45,00
Ham, Jong-gyu - a.o.
€ 45,00
Emperor Hirohito and His Chief Aide-de-Camp: the Honjo Diary, 1933-36
Mikiso Hane
€ 100,00
Hane, Mikiso (translation and introduction)
€ 100,00
Care of the Wounded in Vietnam
Robert M. Hardaway
€ 25,00
Hardaway, Robert M.
€ 25,00
Return to Tibet: Tibet after the Chinese occupation
Heinrich Harrer
€ 6,00
Harrer, Heinrich
€ 6,00
The Indian Mutiny (Wordsworth Military Library)
John Harris
€ 8,00
Harris, John
€ 8,00
Inside North Korea
Mark Edward Harris
€ 15,00
Harris, Mark Edward
€ 15,00
The Silk Road on the Sea: in commemoration of the Opening of the Kobe City Museum
Barbara - and otjers Harrison
€ 20,00
Harrison, Barbara - and otjers
€ 20,00
Imagined Civilizations: China, the West, and Their First Encounter
Roger Hart
€ 12,50
Hart, Roger
€ 12,50
American Shogun: General MacArthur, Emperor Hirohito and the Drama of Modern Japan
Robert Harvey
€ 10,00
Harvey, Robert
€ 10,00
The Nehrus: Personal Histories
Mushirul Hasan
€ 15,00
Hasan, Mushirul
€ 15,00
Commodore Perry and the Opening of Japan: Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron
Francis L. Hawks
€ 15,00
Hawks, Francis L.
€ 15,00
Ancient China
John Hay
€ 5,00
Hay, John
€ 5,00
When heaven and earth changed places, A Vietnamese woman's journey from war to piece
Le Ly Hayslip e.a.
€ 5,00
Hayslip, Le Ly & Jay Wurts
€ 5,00
Exotics and Retrospectives
Lafcadio Hearn
€ 10,00
Hearn, Lafcadio
€ 10,00
Exotics and Retrospectives
Lafcadio Hearn
€ 10,00
Hearn, Lafcadio
€ 10,00
Japanese Miscellany: Strange Stories, Folklore Gleanings, Studies Here & There
Lafcadio Hearn
€ 8,00
Hearn, Lafcadio
€ 8,00
Japanese Miscellany: Strange Stories, Folklore Gleanings, Studies Here & There
Lafcadio Hearn
€ 8,00
Hearn, Lafcadio
€ 8,00
Kokoro Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life
Lafcadio Hearn
€ 8,00
Hearn, Lafcadio
€ 8,00
Kokoro Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life
Lafcadio Hearn
€ 8,00
Hearn, Lafcadio
€ 8,00
Out of the East: Reveries and Studies in New Japan
Lafcadio Hearn
€ 8,00
Hearn, Lafcadio
€ 8,00
Lafcadio Hearn
€ 15,00
Hearn, Lafcadio
€ 15,00
The Empire of Women: not a Fairy Tale
Mathilde ter Heijne
€ 6,00
Heijne, Mathilde ter
€ 6,00
Die Mongolen
Walter Heissig e.a.
€ 12,50
Heissig, Walter & Claudius C. Müller
€ 12,50
Sri Lanka: the island of Ceylon
Suzanne Held
€ 50,00
Held, Suzanne
€ 50,00
China: readings on the Middle Kingdom
Leon Hellerman
€ 6,00
Hellerman, Leon
€ 6,00
China's Three Tousand Years: The story of a great civilisation
Louis Heren e.a.
€ 8,00
Heren, Louis & C.P. Fitzgerald & Michael Freeberne & Brian Hook & David Bonavia
€ 8,00
Oorlogsdomein: Verslagen uit Vietnam
Michael Herr
€ 5,00
Herr, Michael
€ 5,00
An Historical Atlas of China
Albert Herrmann
€ 30,00
Herrmann, Albert
€ 30,00
Viet-Nam, aspects d'une tragédie
C.C. van den Heuvel
€ 10,00
Heuvel, C.C. van den (Préface)
€ 10,00
Bentleys in de steppe: een portret van het moderne Kazachstan
Marona van den Heuvel
€ 10,00
Heuvel, Marona van den
€ 10,00
Japan Day by Day: An Exhibition in Honor of Edward Sylvester Morse
Money Hickman e.a.
€ 10,00
Hickman, Money & Peter Fetchko
€ 10,00
Prehistoric Thailand: From Early Settlement to Sukhothai
Charles Higham e.a.
€ 30,00
Higham, Charles & Rachanie Thosarat
€ 30,00
China. Erfenis van oude culturen
Joachim Hildebrand
€ 5,00
Hildebrand, Joachim
€ 5,00
The Hikayat Abdullah: The Autobiography of Abdullah Bin Abdul Kadir (1797-1854)
A.H. Hill
€ 35,00
Hill, A.H. (translator)
€ 35,00
Things Seen in Japan
Clive Holland
€ 15,00
Holland, Clive
€ 15,00
Update Japan
Aaron Hoopes
€ 8,00
Hoopes, Aaron
€ 8,00
Barbaren langs de Zijderoute op zoek naar de verloren steden en schatten van Chinees Centraal-Azië
Peter Hopkirk
€ 8,00
Hopkirk, Peter
€ 8,00
Setting the East Ablaze: Lenin's Dream of an Empire in Asia
Peter Hopkirk
€ 10,00
Hopkirk, Peter
€ 10,00
History of the Arab Peoples
Albert Hourani
€ 7,00
Hourani, Albert
€ 7,00
Red women's detachment
Liang Hsin e.a.
€ 10,00
Hsin, Liang & Li Tzu-shun (illustrations)
€ 10,00
Quiet Revolutions on Taiwan, Republic of China
Jason C. Hu
€ 12,50
Hu, Jason C. (edited by)
€ 12,50
De stad die naar meneer Sun verhuisde. Over nieuwe megasteden in China
Michiel Hulshof e.a.
€ 10,00
Hulshof, Michiel & Daan Roggeveen
€ 10,00
Village India
Stephen Huyler
€ 20,00
Huyler, Stephen
€ 20,00
Byzanz - Konstantinopel - Istanbul
Martin Hürlimann
€ 6,00
Hürlimann, Martin (Text und Aufnahmen von)
€ 6,00
Begeerde draken: in alle toonaarden van Liu Zhiyuan
W.L. Idema
€ 7,50
Idema, W.L.
€ 7,50
The Return of the God of Wealth: The Transition to a Market Economy in Urban China
Charlotte Ikels
€ 12,50
Ikels, Charlotte
€ 12,50
The Cultural Heritage of Pakistan
S.M. Ikram e.a.
€ 6,00
Ikram, S.M. & Spear, P.
€ 6,00
Madama Butterfly 1904-2004: Opera at an Exhibition
Narica Ilaria
€ 30,00
Ilaria, Narica (editor)
€ 30,00
Prehistoric Japan: new perspectives on insular East Asia.
Keiji Imamura
€ 20,00
Imamura, Keiji
€ 20,00
Het Japan dat nee kan zeggen. De leidende rol van Japan in de nieuwe wereldorde
Shintaro Ishihara
€ 6,00
Ishihara, Shintaro
€ 6,00
Riders of the West: Portraits from Indian Rodeo
Peter Iverson
€ 15,00
Iverson, Peter
€ 15,00
Koopman in Azië. De handel van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie tijdens de 18de eeuw
E.M. Jacobs
€ 10,00
Jacobs, E.M.
€ 10,00
Claude Jacques
€ 10,00
Jacques, Claude
€ 10,00
Made for Maharajas: A Design Diary of Princely India
Amin Jaffer
€ 45,00
Jaffer, Amin
€ 45,00
Manyness of Mumbai
Uttam C. Jain
€ 9,00
Jain, Uttam C.
€ 9,00
The Crafts Traditions of India
Jaya Jaitly
€ 8,00
Jaitly, Jaya
€ 8,00
The Imperial Japanese Navy
Fred T. Jane
€ 35,00
Jane, Fred T.
€ 35,00
Turnbull, Stephen
Japanese Fortified Temples and Monasteries AD 710-1602
€ 8,00
Japanese Fortified Temples and Monasteries AD 710-1602
€ 8,00
Saigon: the pearl of the far East = Saigon: la perle d'extreme orient
François Jarlov
€ 30,00
Jarlov, François
€ 30,00
Tyranny of History : The Roots of China's Crisis
William J. Jenner
€ 8,00
Jenner, William J.
€ 8,00
Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POWs in Vietnam
Monika Jensen-Stevenson
€ 12,50
Jensen-Stevenson, Monika
€ 12,50
Agnihotram (Opferteuer), Indische Legenden
Julie Jerusalem
€ 5,00
Jerusalem, Julie
€ 5,00
Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger. Can China and India Dominate the West?
Prem Shankar Jha
€ 8,00
Jha, Prem Shankar
€ 8,00
Chine: la gloire des empereurs
Philip - and others Jodidio
€ 9,00
Jodidio, Philip - and others
€ 9,00
Robert Knoth & Antoinette de Jong: Tree and Soil
Erik A. de Jong e.a.
€ 30,00
Jong, Erik A. de & Iris Sikking - and others
€ 30,00
The Netherlands-Ceylon Heritage: four hundred years of relations between The Netherlands and Ceylon/Sri Lanka
E. Jongens
€ 20,00
Jongens, E.
€ 20,00
China hemel en aarde. 5000 Jaar Uitvindingen en Ontdekkingen
D. de Jonghe
€ 8,00
Jonghe, D. de
€ 8,00
The Japanese. Strange But Not Strangers
Joe Joseph
€ 6,00
Joseph, Joe
€ 6,00
Paroles de Dien Bien Phu: Les survivants témoignent
Pierre Journoud e.a.
€ 15,00
Journoud, Pierre & Hugues Tertrais
€ 15,00
Glorious Past of the Netherlands and Japan
C.J.A. - a.o. Jörg
€ 35,00
Jörg, C.J.A. - a.o.
€ 35,00
Glorious Past of the Netherlands and Japan
C.J.A. - a.o. Jörg
€ 35,00
Jörg, C.J.A. - a.o.
€ 35,00
Unveiling India. A Woman's Journey
Anees Jung
€ 5,00
Jung, Anees
€ 5,00
Korea, die alten Königreiche
Burglind Jungman e.a.
€ 10,00
Jungman, Burglind & Frits Vos & Kwon Young-Pil - and others
€ 10,00
To what end?
Ward Just
€ 8,00
Just, Ward
€ 8,00
Roeping India. Religie, Verlichting en koloniale expansie: Duitse zendingsberichten 1750-1810
Hanco Jürgens
€ 30,00
Jürgens, Hanco
€ 30,00
Phoolan Devi. De legende van een Indiase bandiete
Veena Kade-Luthra
€ 6,00
Kade-Luthra, Veena
€ 6,00
Planet India. The Turbulent Rise Of The World's Largest Democracy
Mira Kamdar
€ 8,00
Kamdar, Mira
€ 8,00
Pictorial Encyclopedia of Japanese Culture: The Soul and Heritage of Japan
Nakayama Kaneyoshi
€ 8,00
Kaneyoshi, Nakayama
€ 8,00
India 54 years after independence *SIGNED*
Dr. Subhash V. Kapre
€ 10,00
Kapre, Dr. Subhash V.
€ 10,00
The Himalayan Kingdoms: Bhutan, Sikkim and Nepal
Pradyumna P. Karan e.a.
€ 8,00
Karan, Pradyumna P. & William M. Jenkins Jr.
€ 8,00
Vietnam: A History
Stanley Karnow
€ 8,00
Karnow, Stanley
€ 8,00
Form Style Tradition: reflections on Japanese Art and Society
Shuichi Kato
€ 15,00
Kato, Shuichi
€ 15,00
Funny Business: An Outsider's Year in Japan
Gary Katzenstein
€ 8,00
Katzenstein, Gary
€ 8,00
Zo leeft men in Japan
Ichiro Kawasaki
€ 8,00
Kawasaki, Ichiro
€ 8,00
The Golden Calm. An English Lady's Life in Moghul Delhi. Reminiscences by Emily, Lady Clive Bayley and her father, Sir Thomas Metcalfe
M.M. Kaye
€ 6,00
Kaye, M.M. (editor)
€ 6,00
St. Francis Xavier - His Life and Times (Japanese edition)
Oishi Kazuyoshi
€ 20,00
Kazuyoshi, Oishi
€ 20,00
Empire's End. A History of the Far East from High Colonialism to Hong Kong
John Keay
€ 10,00
Keay, John
€ 10,00
Last Post: The End of Empire in the Far East
John Keay
€ 8,00
Keay, John
€ 8,00
Appreciations of Japanese Culture
Donald Keene
€ 15,00
Keene, Donald
€ 15,00
Education in Pacific Countries: Interpreting a Seminar-Conference of Educators and Social Scientists Conducted by the University of Hawaii and Yale University, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1936
Felix Maxwell Keesing
€ 65,00
Keesing, Felix Maxwell
€ 65,00
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