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Categorie Bloemen & Planten

Aantal gevonden boeken: 394

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Handige wandelwaaier over Wilde Bloemen 2. Om buiten snel te weten welke u ziet!
Kees Kervels
€ 5,00
Kervels, Kees
€ 5,00
Pollen: The Hidden Sexuality of Flowers
Rob Kessler
€ 30,00
Kessler, Rob
€ 30,00
Among Flowers
Susan Kinsolving
€ 9,00
Kinsolving, Susan
€ 9,00
The Plantfinder's Guide to Cacti & Other Succulents
Paul Klaassen
€ 8,00
Klaassen, Paul
€ 8,00
The book of Rhododendrons
Marianna Kneller
€ 12,50
Kneller, Marianna
€ 12,50
Initia Florae venezuelensis. Erste Lieferung
R. Knuth
€ 50,00
Knuth, R.
€ 50,00
Herbarium Amoris Floral Romances
Edvard Koinberg
€ 10,00
Koinberg, Edvard
€ 10,00
Heinrich Witte: een prominent hortulanus van de Leidse Hortus botanicus
Rinny E. Kooi
€ 6,00
Kooi, Rinny E.
€ 6,00
Botanical Orchids : How to Grow Them
Jack Kramer
€ 10,00
Kramer, Jack
€ 10,00
Orchids for every one. A practical guide to growing and caring for over 200 of the world's most beautiful plants
Jack Kramer
€ 6,00
Kramer, Jack
€ 6,00
Orchids for everyone. A practical guide to the home cultivation of over 200 of the world's most beautiful orchids
Jack Kramer
€ 8,00
Kramer, Jack
€ 8,00
Weidebloemen. De belangrijkste en mooiste weidebloemen van Europa. Leren kennen, herkennen, beschermen
Bruno P. Kremer
€ 6,00
Kremer, Bruno P.
€ 6,00
Wiesenblumen: Kennenlernen, Erleben, Schützen
Bruno P. Kremer
€ 6,00
Kremer, Bruno P.
€ 6,00
The Art of Plant Evolution
W. John Kress e.a.
€ 65,00
Kress, W. John & Shirley Sherwood
€ 65,00
Plants extra, medium: voor inspirerende ideeën met planten
Sander Kroll
€ 5,00
Kroll, Sander
€ 5,00
Vegetatieve herkenning der voornaamste water- en oeverplanten
A. A. Kruijne
€ 5,00
Kruijne, A. A.
€ 5,00
A guide to tropical & semitropical flora. Hawaiian flowers & flowering trees
Loraine E. Kuck e.a.
€ 10,00
Kuck, Loraine E. & Tongg, Richard C.
€ 10,00
Bloembollen in de tuin: eigenschappen, plantadviezen en combinaties
Mineke Kurpershoek
€ 5,00
Kurpershoek, Mineke
€ 5,00
Onkruid. 10 Opstellen
Ton Kwinkelenberg
€ 7,50
Kwinkelenberg, Ton
€ 7,50
Onkruid: 10 opstellen
Ton Kwinkelenberg
€ 7,50
Kwinkelenberg, Ton
€ 7,50
Bessen: het herkennen van eetbare en gifitige bessen
L.A. Tjon Sie Fat
€ 10,00
L.A. Tjon Sie Fat
€ 10,00
Jahr der blumen 32 farbtafeln
Jonas David Labram
€ 8,00
Labram, Jonas David
€ 8,00
From the ends of the earth: dedicated to Sir Joseph Banks
Christian Lamb
€ 10,00
Lamb, Christian
€ 10,00
Roy Lancaster: A Plantsman in Nepal
Roy Lancaster
€ 10,00
Lancaster, Roy
€ 10,00
Travels in China. A Plantsman's Paradise
Roy Lancaster
€ 20,00
Lancaster, Roy
€ 20,00
Geschützte Pflanzen in der Schweiz
Elias Landolt
€ 8,00
Landolt, Elias
€ 8,00
Begonias: The care and cultivation of tuberous varieties
Brian Langdon
€ 10,00
Langdon, Brian
€ 10,00
Atlas der Schweizer Weiden (Gattung Salix L.)
Ernst Lautenschlager
€ 20,00
Lautenschlager, Ernst
€ 20,00
Rosen in Hildesheim
Franziska Lenferink
€ 8,00
Lenferink, Franziska
€ 8,00
Botanic adventure. A guide to the purchase, care and use of exclusive plants, vegetables and herbs for the house, conservatory and garden
Elisabeth de Lestrieux
€ 8,00
Lestrieux, Elisabeth de (preface)
€ 8,00
Wilde bloemen uit de gehele wereld
Les Line e.a.
€ 6,50
Line, Les & Henricks Hodge, Walter
€ 6,50
Gids middellandse zeeflora: Planten van de mediterrane kust
W. Lippert e.a.
€ 6,00
Lippert, W. & D. Podlech
€ 6,00
Handboek voor de bloemist (2 delen)
W. Lodder e.a.
€ 10,00
Lodder, W. & G. Lodder
€ 10,00
Wild Flowers of Chalk & Limestone
J.E. Lousley
€ 10,00
Lousley, J.E.
€ 10,00
Wild Flowers of Chalk & Limestone
J.E. Lousley
€ 8,00
Lousley, J.E.
€ 8,00
Ensayo geobotánico de la Guinea Continental Española
Prof. Dr. Emilio Guinea López
€ 80,00
López, Prof. Dr. Emilio Guinea
€ 80,00
Mijn plant is ziek
Benno Lucas
€ 5,00
Lucas, Benno
€ 5,00
The Native Orchids of The United States and Canada excluding Florida
Carlyle A. Luer
€ 100,00
Luer, Carlyle A.
€ 100,00
Canarische Eilanden: plantenweelde in een notendop
Dieter Lüpnitz
€ 10,00
Lüpnitz, Dieter
€ 10,00
Desert Plants: A Curators Introduction to the Huntington Desert Garden
Gary Lyons
€ 10,00
Lyons, Gary
€ 10,00
The Botany of the Guayana Highland - Part VI *SIGNED*
Bassett  and Collaborators Maguire
€ 30,00
Maguire, Bassett and Collaborators
€ 30,00
What kinda cactus izzat? who's who of strange plants in the southwestern American desert
Reg Manning
€ 8,00
Manning, Reg
€ 8,00
Shrubs in colour and cultivation
T. C Mansfield
€ 6,50
Mansfield, T. C
€ 6,50
Tanaman Sayur-sayuran 1; Tanaman Sayur-sayuran 2; Tanaman Penyegar 1 (3 volumes)
Marah Maradjo
€ 15,00
Maradjo, Marah (Penyusun Utama)
€ 15,00
Les Fleurs de la Cote d'Azur - 97 planches coloriees - 15 planches noires - 450 figures
L. Marret
€ 20,00
Marret, L.
€ 20,00
The Oxford Book Of Food Plants
G. B. Masefield e.a.
€ 10,00
Masefield, G. B. & M. Wallis & S. G. Harrison & B. E. Nicholson
€ 10,00
Bol- en knolgewassen in alle seizoenen
Brian Mathew e.a.
€ 6,00
Mathew, Brian & Swindells, Philip
€ 6,00
Victoria Matthews
€ 8,00
Matthews, Victoria
€ 8,00
The Bamboos
F.A. McClure
€ 15,00
McClure, F.A.
€ 15,00
Lavender: The Grower's Guide
Virginia McNaughton
€ 8,00
McNaughton, Virginia
€ 8,00
Margaret Mee's Amazon: The Diaries of an Artist Explorer
Margaret Mee
€ 20,00
Mee, Margaret
€ 20,00
Heukels' Flora van Nederland
R. van der Meijden
€ 12,50
Meijden, R. van der
€ 12,50
The color dictionary of shrubs
S. Millar Gault
€ 10,00
Millar Gault, S.
€ 10,00
The Dictionary of Roses in colour
S. Millar Gault e.a.
€ 6,00
Millar Gault, S. & Synge, Patrick M.
€ 6,00
Rozenencyclopedie. Meer dan 1100 klassieke en moderne rozen. 1000 prachtige kleurenfoto's. Het complete naslagwerk over rozen
Mary Moody e.a.
€ 8,00
Moody, Mary & Harkness, Peter
€ 8,00
As plantas que curam. Guide de sua Saúde. Através da Natureza
Frederico Moreira
€ 12,50
Moreira, Frederico
€ 12,50
Curtis's Botanical Magazine Dedications 1827-1927. Portraits and Biographical Notes *SIGNED*
E. Nelmes e.a.
€ 60,00
Nelmes, E. & W. Cuthbertson
€ 60,00
The Roots of Civilisation: Plants That Changed the World
John Newton
€ 20,00
Newton, John
€ 20,00
In Bloom: Creating and Living With Flowers
Ngoc Minh Ngo
€ 15,00
Ngo, Ngoc Minh
€ 15,00
Orchideen und ihre Kultur im Zimmer und Gewächshaus.
Woldemar Nicolai
€ 8,00
Nicolai, Woldemar
€ 8,00
Sierra Wild Flowers: Mt. Lassen to Kern Canyon
Theodore F. Niehaus
€ 6,00
Niehaus, Theodore F.
€ 6,00
Fuchsia' s in alle seizoenen
M. Nijhuis
€ 5,00
Nijhuis, M.
€ 5,00
Bloeiende bollen = Blooming Bulbs
Gert-Pieter Nijssen e.a.
€ 8,00
Nijssen, Gert-Pieter & Jacomien van Andel & Carla Teune
€ 8,00
Zen Flowers: Contemplation Through Creativity
Harumi Nishi
€ 10,00
Nishi, Harumi
€ 10,00
In Bloom: Growing, harvesting and arranging flowers all year round
Clare Nolan
€ 15,00
Nolan, Clare
€ 15,00
200 Sipaliwini-Savanne Planten
Reinoud Norde e.a.
€ 22,50
Norde, Reinoud & Feddo H.F. Oldenburger
€ 22,50
Kuipplanten: niet-winterharde planten voor uw tuin
W Oudshoorn
€ 5,00
Oudshoorn, W
€ 5,00
Ja natuurlijk deel 3: Bloemen en planten
Wim Oudshoorn
€ 5,00
Oudshoorn, Wim
€ 5,00
World Flowers
Jane Packer
€ 10,00
Packer, Jane
€ 10,00
Wild Flowers of Greece
Vangelis Papiomitoglou
€ 30,00
Papiomitoglou, Vangelis
€ 30,00
Nieuwe bloemen. Geef uw tuin een ander aanzien met de nieuwste soorten
Tessa Paul e.a.
€ 5,00
Paul, Tessa & Ledward, Daphne
€ 5,00
Bulb: A Hand-Picked Selection of the World's Most Beautiful Bulbs
Anna Pavord
€ 10,00
Pavord, Anna
€ 10,00
Botanique cryptogamique ou Histoire des familles naturelles des plantes inférieures
J. Payer
€ 25,00
Payer, J.
€ 25,00
The Ultimate Sunflower Book: a celebration of the happiest flower in the garden
Lucy Peel
€ 10,00
Peel, Lucy
€ 10,00
Ces plantes que l'on mange
Jean-Marie Pelt e.a.
€ 9,00
Pelt, Jean-Marie & Rob White (photography)
€ 9,00
The Metamorphosis of Flowers
Marie Perennou
€ 10,00
Perennou, Marie
€ 10,00
The Metamorphosis of Flowers
Marie Perennou
€ 8,00
Perennou, Marie
€ 8,00
Medicinal Plants of East and Southeast Asia. Attributed Properties and Uses
L.M. Perry e.a.
€ 80,00
Perry, L.M. & Metzger, J.
€ 80,00
Hortus Curious: Discover the World's Most Weird and Wonderful Plants and Fungi
Michael Perry
€ 7,00
Perry, Michael
€ 7,00
Bol en knolgewassen: meer dan 800 in unieke kleurenfoto's
Roger Phillips
€ 8,00
Phillips, Roger
€ 8,00
Bol- en Knolgewassen: meer dan 1000 in unieke kleurenfoto's
Roger Phillips e.a.
€ 8,00
Phillips, Roger & Martyn Rix
€ 8,00
De wereld van de insekten
Roger Phillips e.a.
€ 8,00
Phillips, Roger & Suzette E. Stumpel-Rienks
€ 8,00
Wilde Bloemen: meer dan duizend soorten in unieke kleurenfoto's
Roger Phillips e.a.
€ 8,00
Phillips, Roger & Suzette E. Stumpel-Rienks
€ 8,00
Wilde Bloemen: meer dan duizend soorten in unieke kleurenfoto's
Roger Phillips e.a.
€ 9,00
Phillips, Roger & Suzette E. Stumpel-Rienks
€ 9,00
Wilde Bloemen: meer dan duizend soorten in unieke kleurenfoto's
Rpoger Phillips e.a.
€ 8,00
Phillips, Rpoger & Suzette E. Stumpel-Rienks
€ 8,00
Biology and Management of Orobanche: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Orobanche and Related Striga Research
Arnold Pieterse
€ 45,00
Pieterse, Arnold
€ 45,00
Carnivorous Plants of the World
James Pietropaolo e.a.
€ 20,00
Pietropaolo, James & Patricia Pietropaolo
€ 20,00
Alles over orchideeen
Jorn Pinske
€ 5,00
Pinske, Jorn
€ 5,00
Emeralds: 1000 Green Flowers and 500 Choice Green Foliage Plants
Karen Platt
€ 10,00
Platt, Karen
€ 10,00
Silver Lining: 2400 Silver Plants for the Garden
Karen Platt
€ 15,00
Platt, Karen
€ 15,00
Pictorial Flora of Israel (Hebrew edition)
Uzi Plitmann e.a.
€ 45,00
Plitmann, Uzi & Clara Heyn & Avinoam Danin & Avishai Shmida
€ 45,00
Geneeskrachtige plantengids in kleur. 315 natuurgetrouwe kleurenfoto's en 70 botanische tekeningen
Dieter Podlech
€ 6,00
Podlech, Dieter
€ 6,00
Zauberhafte Alpenblumen
Alfred Pohler
€ 6,00
Pohler, Alfred
€ 6,00
Crotalaria in Africa and Madagascar
R.M. Polhill
€ 45,00
Polhill, R.M.
€ 45,00
The Green Florilegium = Das Grüne Florilegium
Hanne Kolind Poulsen
€ 65,00
Poulsen, Hanne Kolind
€ 65,00
Wildflowers along the Alaska Highway: from Dawson Creek, BC to Delta Junction AK and on to Fairbanks, AK
Verna E. Pratt
€ 10,00
Pratt, Verna E.
€ 10,00
PROSEA. Plant Resources of South-East Asia. Volume 15 (1) Cryptogams. Algae
W.F. Prud'homme van Reine e.a.
€ 40,00
Prud'homme van Reine, W.F. & G.C. Trono Jr (editors)
€ 40,00
Simple Flowers
Paula Pryke
€ 9,00
Pryke, Paula
€ 9,00
Flower Colour Theory
Darroch Putnam
€ 20,00
Putnam, Darroch
€ 20,00
The Living Collection
David Rae
€ 15,00
Rae, David
€ 15,00