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Categorie Mode, Kostuums & Verzorging

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Men bloc note spring summer 03
diverse auteurs
€ 30,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 30,00
The world in Vogue. Seven momentous decades of the names, the faces, and the writing that have held the public eye in The Arts, Society, Literature, Theatre, Fashion, Sports, World Affairs
diverse auteurs
€ 35,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 35,00
Twee eeuwen Franse mode
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Valentino. 45th anniversary
diverse auteurs
€ 95,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 95,00
Wegwijs in geurenland
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Music Dolce & Gabbana
Domenico Dolce e.a.
€ 30,00
Dolce, Domenico & Stefano Gabbana
€ 30,00
The kilt. A manual of Scottish national dress
Loudon Macqueen Douglas
€ 15,00
Douglas, Loudon Macqueen
€ 15,00
Hedendaagse mode-illustraties
Nicholas Drake
€ 8,00
Drake, Nicholas
€ 8,00
Fashion Prints: How to Design and Draw
Elisabetta Kuky Drudi
€ 10,00
Drudi, Elisabetta Kuky
€ 10,00
Saris de l'Inde
Jérome Ducor e.a.
€ 15,00
Ducor, Jérome & Jonathan Watts & Jasvinder Kaur
€ 15,00
Bill Dunn
€ 10,00
Dunn, Bill
€ 10,00
Fit to Be Tied: Vintage Ties of the Forties and Early Fifties
Rod Dyer e.a.
€ 8,00
Dyer, Rod & Ron Spark & Steve Sakai
€ 8,00
Rock tease: the golden years of rock T-shirts
Erica Easley
€ 7,00
Easley, Erica
€ 7,00
Fabulous Frocks
Jane Eastoe
€ 10,00
Eastoe, Jane
€ 10,00
The Body Decorated
Victoria Ebin
€ 8,00
Ebin, Victoria
€ 8,00
The Body Decorated
Victoria Ebin
€ 8,00
Ebin, Victoria
€ 8,00
Fetishism in Fashion
Lidewij Edelkoort
€ 100,00
Edelkoort, Lidewij
€ 100,00
Three Dimensional Embroidery: Methods of Construction for the Third Dimension
Janet Edmonds
€ 15,00
Edmonds, Janet
€ 15,00
Essence: 25 Years Celebrating Black Women *SIGNED*
Audrey Edwards e.a.
€ 10,00
Edwards, Audrey & Patricia Mognin Hinds (editor)
€ 10,00
Hartelapjes. Objecten met een bijzondere betekenis
Anca Egas e.a.
€ 17,50
Egas, Anca - e.a.
€ 17,50
Haar in de hoofdrol
Ineke Eisenburger e.a.
€ 12,50
Eisenburger, Ineke & Nelleke van der Zwan
€ 12,50
Vogue: The Gown
Jo Ellison
€ 45,00
Ellison, Jo
€ 45,00
In kleuren en kleeren: Nederlandsche volksdrachten
C.K. Elout
€ 15,00
Elout, C.K.
€ 15,00
Hidden creativity 1971-1986. Two decades of La Perla Beachwear Creations
Marco Emili
€ 20,00
Emili, Marco (photos)
€ 20,00
The 24-Hour Dress Code for Men
Birgit Engel
€ 10,00
Engel, Birgit
€ 10,00
Film und Mode: Mode im Film
Regine Engelmeier
€ 9,00
Engelmeier, Regine
€ 9,00
Film und Mode, Mode im Film
Regine Engelmeier e.a.
€ 12,50
Engelmeier, Regine & Peter W. Engelmeier
€ 12,50
Madame Grès: la couture à l'oeuvre
Anne-Julie Esparceil e.a.
€ 125,00
Esparceil, Anne-Julie & Julie Honis - and others
€ 125,00
Mike Evans
€ 6,50
Evans, Mike
€ 6,50
Edward Steichen: In High Fashion: The Conde Nast Years 1923-1937
William A. Ewing e.a.
€ 45,00
Ewing, William A. & Todd Brandow
€ 45,00
Woman by Vivienne Westwood, Christian Dior Couture, Maison Martin Magiela, Junya Matanabe, Ann Demeulemeester, Veronique Leroy, Bernhard Wilhelm, Viktor & Rolf, Hussei Chalayan
Sjarel Ex
€ 9,00
Ex, Sjarel
€ 9,00
Haute Couture Ateliers: The Artisans of Fashion
Hélène Farnault
€ 150,00
Farnault, Hélène
€ 150,00
Uplift: The Bra in America
Jane Farrell-Beck e.a.
€ 8,00
Farrell-Beck, Jane & Colleen Gau
€ 8,00
The Black Leather Jacket
Mick Farren
€ 15,00
Farren, Mick
€ 15,00
Le Clothing Label Book
Ruven Feder e.a.
€ 20,00
Feder, Ruven & J. M. Glasman
€ 20,00
Le jeans label book
Ruven Feder e.a.
€ 10,00
Feder, Ruven & J.M. Glasman
€ 10,00
The story of silk
John Feltwell
€ 25,00
Feltwell, John
€ 25,00
De fluwelen verleiding
Hans Ferrée
€ 10,00
Ferrée, Hans
€ 10,00
Wella Museum: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Schönheitspflege = A Cultural History of Beauty Care
Andrea Fink
€ 10,00
Fink, Andrea (editor)
€ 10,00
Wella Museum: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Schönheitspflege = A Cultural History of Beauty Care
Andrea Fink
€ 15,00
Fink, Andrea (editor)
€ 15,00
Die Schwarzschen Trachtenbücher
August Fink
€ 20,00
Fink, August
€ 20,00
Curiositeiten van allerlei aard no. 38-39: Haar en Baard
Firma R.C. Meijer
€ 10,00
Firma R.C. Meijer
€ 10,00
Guglielmo Tabacchi: Pioneer of the Italian Eyewear Industry
Giovanni Luigi Fontana
€ 15,00
Fontana, Giovanni Luigi
€ 15,00
The Warhol Look: Glamour, Style, Fashion
Mark Francis e.a.
€ 25,00
Francis, Mark & Margery King
€ 25,00
Arbeitsblatt sammlung fur friseure
Henschel Franke
€ 5,00
Franke, Henschel, Sendler
€ 5,00
Visionaries: Interviews with Fashion Designers
Susannah Frankel
€ 15,00
Frankel, Susannah
€ 15,00
Fashion: A history from the 18th to the 20th Century (2 volumes)
Akiko Fukai
€ 15,00
Fukai, Akiko
€ 15,00
Permanence: Tattoo Portraits
Kip Fulbeck
€ 12,50
Fulbeck, Kip
€ 12,50
Fashion Unfolding: Fashion Graphics Depicting All Contemporary Fashion Styles And Trends
Ada Yan Tsuen - and others Fung
€ 20,00
Fung, Ada Yan Tsuen - and others
€ 20,00
A modest history: Pin-Up
Mark Gabor
€ 20,00
Gabor, Mark
€ 20,00
Chinese Dress: From the Qing Dynasty to the Present
Valery Garrett
€ 45,00
Garrett, Valery
€ 45,00
Parures Ethniques: le culte de la beauté
Bérénice Geoffroy-Schneiter
€ 10,00
Geoffroy-Schneiter, Bérénice
€ 10,00
Pin-up een godin voor elke dag
Evert Geradts e.a.
€ 10,00
Geradts, Evert & Tatou Gutkowski
€ 10,00
Valentino Aroma: 45 Years Of Style At The Museum Of Ara Pacis July 6th October 28th 2007
Anne - and others Gerlinger
€ 45,00
Gerlinger, Anne - and others
€ 45,00
The Tie: Trends and Traditions
Sarah Gibbings
€ 10,00
Gibbings, Sarah
€ 10,00
Paris Fashions: The Art Deco Styles of the 1920's
Madeleine Ginsburg
€ 12,50
Ginsburg, Madeleine
€ 12,50
Making stylish belts: do-it-yourself projects to craft and sew at home
Ellen Goldstein-Lynch
€ 8,00
Goldstein-Lynch, Ellen
€ 8,00
Making stylish belts: do-it-yourself projects to craft and sew at home
Ellen Goldstein-Lynch
€ 8,00
Goldstein-Lynch, Ellen
€ 8,00
How to Tie a Scarf: 33 Styles
Laurel Golio
€ 8,00
Golio, Laurel (photographs)
€ 8,00
How to tie a scarf: 33 Styles
Laurel Golio
€ 6,50
Golio, Laurel (photos by)
€ 6,50
A gallery of fashion
Lesley Gordon
€ 5,00
Gordon, Lesley
€ 5,00
The Look: Adventures in Pop and Rock Fashion
Paul Gorman
€ 15,00
Gorman, Paul
€ 15,00
The Look: Adventures in Rock and Pop Fashion
Paul Gorman
€ 20,00
Gorman, Paul
€ 20,00
What people wore. A Visual history of dress from ancient times to Twentieth-Century America
Douglas Gorsline
€ 12,50
Gorsline, Douglas
€ 12,50
American Tattoo Postcard Book
Alan Govenar
€ 5,00
Govenar, Alan
€ 5,00
Mannenmode: ondergoed
John de Greef
€ 5,00
Greef, John de
€ 5,00
Kleding en mode in kleur
Ruth M. Green
€ 8,00
Green, Ruth M.
€ 8,00
Kleren Voor De Elite. Nederlandse couturiers en hun klanten 1882-2000
Dieuwke Grijpma
€ 5,00
Grijpma, Dieuwke
€ 5,00
Hollaendische Kleidertrachten
A. Groen
€ 10,00
Groen, A.
€ 10,00
Prikkels 278, februari/maart 1964: De schoen
Pieter Groot
€ 30,00
Groot, Pieter (ontwerp)
€ 30,00
Kim Johnson Gross
€ 10,00
Gross, Kim Johnson
€ 10,00
Jeanne Lanvin
Sophie Grossiord
€ 100,00
Grossiord, Sophie
€ 100,00
Decorated Skin: A World Survey of Body Art
Karl Gröning
€ 15,00
Gröning, Karl
€ 15,00
Fashion Show: Paris Style
Pamela Grumback e.a.
€ 15,00
Grumback, Pamela & Didier Parmal
€ 15,00
Put on Your Pearls, Girls!
Lulu Guinness
€ 9,00
Guinness, Lulu
€ 9,00
Antique Combs and Purses
Evelyn Haertig
€ 10,00
Haertig, Evelyn
€ 10,00
Antique Combs and Purses
Evelyn Haertig
€ 10,00
Haertig, Evelyn
€ 10,00
Seide und Baumwolle im Mandschu-China
S.J. Halde e.a.
€ 8,00
Halde, S.J., Jean-Baptiste Du & Mario Bussagli (Einleitung)
€ 8,00
Spa Style Asia: Therapies, Cuisines, Spas
Sharon - and others Ham
€ 8,00
Ham, Sharon - and others
€ 8,00
A practical guide to body art
Hilary Hammond
€ 10,00
Hammond, Hilary
€ 10,00
Nylon: The Manmade Fashion Revolution
Susannah Handley
€ 12,50
Handley, Susannah
€ 12,50
Nylon: The Manmade Fashion Revolution
Susannah Handley
€ 12,50
Handley, Susannah
€ 12,50
Absolutely Fabulous! Architecture and Fashion
R. Hanisch
€ 10,00
Hanisch, R.
€ 10,00
Absolutely Fabulous! Architecture and Fashion
R. Hanisch
€ 10,00
Hanisch, R.
€ 10,00
Fabric of Dreams: Designing My Own Success
Anthony Mark Hankins e.a.
€ 9,00
Hankins, Anthony Mark & Debbie Markley
€ 9,00
Fabric of Dreams: Designing My Own Success
Anthony Mark Hankins e.a.
€ 12,50
Hankins, Anthony Mark & Debbie Markley
€ 12,50
Gianni Versace: Men without Ties *SIGNED*
Barry Hannah e.a.
€ 350,00
Hannah, Barry & Richard Martin & Bob Wilson & Gianni Versace
€ 350,00
Costume cavalcade. 685 examples of Historic Costume in colour
Henny Harald Hansen
€ 8,00
Hansen, Henny Harald
€ 8,00
Kaal zonder kopzorg
Henk Hanssen
€ 5,00
Hanssen, Henk
€ 5,00
Kaal zonder kopzorg
Henk Hanssen
€ 5,00
Hanssen, Henk
€ 5,00
Dictionary of Fashion and Fashion Designers
Georgina Hara Callan
€ 8,00
Hara Callan, Georgina, O'
€ 8,00
Mode encyclopedie van 1840 tot de jaren '80
Georgina O' Hara
€ 10,00
Hara, Georgina O'
€ 10,00
The encyclopaedia of fashion: from 1840 to the 1980s
Georgina O' Hara
€ 20,00
Hara, Georgina O'
€ 20,00
The Blue Jean
Alice Harris
€ 12,50
Harris, Alice
€ 12,50
The White T
Alice Harris
€ 17,50
Harris, Alice
€ 17,50
The White T
Alice Harris
€ 25,00
Harris, Alice
€ 25,00
Ronald Traeger : New Angles
Martin Harrison e.a.
€ 25,00
Harrison, Martin & Tessa Traeger
€ 25,00
Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Fashion in Detail
Avril Hart e.a.
€ 45,00
Hart, Avril & Susan North
€ 45,00
Man Ray in Fashion
Willis Hartshorn e.a.
€ 10,00
Hartshorn, Willis & Merry Foresta (introduction)
€ 10,00
Mode bronnenboek. De geschiedenis van de mode van 1900 tot heden
Amy De La Haye
€ 10,00
Haye, Amy De La
€ 10,00
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