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A London Life and The Reverberator
Henry James
€ 6,00
James, Henry
€ 6,00
Daisy Miller
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
Daisy Miller
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
Fifteen short stories
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
Letters from Palazzo Barbaro
Henry James
€ 8,00
James, Henry
€ 8,00
Roderick Hudson
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
Selected Short Stories
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
The Aspern Papers
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
The Aspern Papers
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
The Aspern Papers and The Turn of the Screw
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
The Awkward Age
Henry James
€ 10,00
James, Henry
€ 10,00
The Bostonians
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
The Europeans
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
The Europeans
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
The Europeans
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
The Golden Bowl
Henry James
€ 10,00
James, Henry
€ 10,00
The Outcry
Henry James
€ 6,00
James, Henry
€ 6,00
The portrait of a Lady
Henry James
€ 6,50
James, Henry
€ 6,50
The portrait of a lady
Henry James
€ 6,50
James, Henry
€ 6,50
The Portrait of a Lady
Henry James
€ 10,00
James, Henry
€ 10,00
The Portrait of a Lady
Henry James
€ 8,00
James, Henry
€ 8,00
The Portrait of a Lady
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
The Portrait of a Lady
Henry James
€ 8,00
James, Henry
€ 8,00
The Princess Casamassima
Henry James
€ 10,00
James, Henry
€ 10,00
The spoils of Poynton and other stories
Henry James
€ 6,50
James, Henry
€ 6,50
The Spoils of Poynton and Other Stories
Henry James
€ 10,00
James, Henry
€ 10,00
Washington Square
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
Washington Square
Henry James
€ 5,00
James, Henry
€ 5,00
Fourteen Stories by Henry James
Henry James e.a.
€ 10,00
James, Henry & David Garnett (selected by)
€ 10,00
The Bodley Head Henry James, volume I: The Europeans; Washington Square
Henry James e.a.
€ 10,00
James, Henry & Leon Edel (introduction)
€ 10,00
The Bodley Head Henry James, volume II: The Awkward Age
Henry James e.a.
€ 10,00
James, Henry & Leon Edel (introduction)
€ 10,00
The Bodley Head Henry James, volume IV: The Spoils of Poynton
Henry James e.a.
€ 10,00
James, Henry & Leon Edel (introduction)
€ 10,00
Stephen Hero
Joyce James
€ 6,00
James, Joyce
€ 6,00
Stephen Hero
Joyce James
€ 6,00
James, Joyce
€ 6,00
A Certain Justice
P.D. James
€ 6,50
James, P.D.
€ 6,50
Dead Simple: Four Bodies - One Suspect - No Trace
Peter James
€ 6,50
James, Peter
€ 6,50
Not Dead Enough: Three Murders. One Suspect. No Proof
Peter James
€ 6,50
James, Peter
€ 6,50
The Maud Allan affair
Russell James
€ 15,00
James, Russell
€ 15,00
Cannibal In Manhattan
Tama Janowitz
€ 5,00
Janowitz, Tama
€ 5,00
Breath clouds
Willem Janssen
€ 8,00
Janssen, Willem
€ 8,00
Adventures of Bindle
Herbert Jenkins
€ 10,00
Jenkins, Herbert
€ 10,00
The Duke's Agent
Rebecca Jenkins
€ 8,00
Jenkins, Rebecca
€ 8,00
My Diary
€ 5,00
€ 5,00
Three men in a boat. To say nothing of the dog!
Jerome K. Jerome
€ 5,00
Jerome, Jerome K.
€ 5,00
Three men in a boat: to say nothing of the dog!
Jerome K. Jerome
€ 5,00
Jerome, Jerome K.
€ 5,00
Three Men on the Bummel
Jerome K. Jerome
€ 5,00
Jerome, Jerome K.
€ 5,00
Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures
Douglas Jerrold
€ 10,00
Jerrold, Douglas
€ 10,00
Esmond in India
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
€ 5,00
Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer
€ 5,00
The Rainy Spell and Other Korean Stories
Suh Ji-Moon
€ 10,00
Ji-Moon, Suh (translated by)
€ 10,00
Diary of a Hobo.
Bill Jodrey
€ 8,00
Jodrey, Bill
€ 8,00
Iris Johansen
€ 5,00
Johansen, Iris
€ 5,00
Selected Writings
Samuel Johnson
€ 5,00
Johnson, Samuel
€ 5,00
The Grim Reaper
Stanley Johnston
€ 5,00
Johnston, Stanley
€ 5,00
Anathemata: Fragments of an Attempted Writing
David Jones
€ 8,00
Jones, David
€ 8,00
Epoch and Artist
David Jones
€ 8,00
Jones, David
€ 8,00
In Parenthesis
David Jones
€ 8,00
Jones, David
€ 8,00
In Parenthesis
David Jones
€ 8,00
Jones, David
€ 8,00
The Kensington Mass
David Jones
€ 20,00
Jones, David
€ 20,00
English Critical Essays (3 volumes)
Edmund D. Jones
€ 12,50
Jones, Edmund D. (volume I-II) & Phyllis M. Jones (volume III)
€ 12,50
Imagist Poetry
Peter Jones
€ 5,00
Jones, Peter (edited by)
€ 5,00
Any woman's blues
Erica Jong
€ 5,00
Jong, Erica
€ 5,00
Any woman's blues
Erica Jong
€ 5,00
Jong, Erica
€ 5,00
Three comedies
Ben Jonson
€ 5,00
Jonson, Ben
€ 5,00
Dance with a poor man's daughter
Pamela Jooste
€ 5,00
Jooste, Pamela
€ 5,00
Frieda and Min
Pamela Jooste
€ 6,00
Jooste, Pamela
€ 6,00
Like Water in Wild Places
Pamela Jooste
€ 5,00
Jooste, Pamela
€ 5,00
People like ourselves
Pamela Jooste
€ 5,00
Jooste, Pamela
€ 5,00
Star of the morning
Pamela Jooste
€ 5,00
Jooste, Pamela
€ 5,00
James Jouce
€ 5,00
Jouce, James
€ 5,00
	Poems and Exiles
James Joyce
€ 8,00
Joyce, James
€ 8,00
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
James Joyce
€ 5,00
Joyce, James
€ 5,00
A portrait of the artist as a young man
James Joyce
€ 8,00
Joyce, James
€ 8,00
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
James Joyce
€ 8,00
Joyce, James
€ 8,00
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
James Joyce
€ 5,00
Joyce, James
€ 5,00
A Portrait of the Young Artist as a Young Man
James Joyce
€ 10,00
Joyce, James
€ 10,00
A shorter Finnegans Wake
James Joyce
€ 6,00
Joyce, James
€ 6,00
A Shorter Finnegans Wake
James Joyce
€ 8,00
Joyce, James
€ 8,00
James Joyce
€ 5,00
Joyce, James
€ 5,00
James Joyce
€ 5,00
Joyce, James
€ 5,00
James Joyce
€ 5,00
Joyce, James
€ 5,00
James Joyce
€ 9,00
Joyce, James
€ 9,00
James Joyce
€ 5,00
Joyce, James
€ 5,00
Dubliners; A portrait of the artist as a young man; Ulysses
James Joyce
€ 10,00
Joyce, James
€ 10,00
James Joyce
€ 5,00
Joyce, James
€ 5,00
James Joyce
€ 6,00
Joyce, James
€ 6,00
Giacomo Joyce
James Joyce
€ 6,00
Joyce, James
€ 6,00
Pomes Penyeach and Other Verses
James Joyce
€ 5,00
Joyce, James
€ 5,00
James Joyce
€ 8,00
Joyce, James
€ 8,00
James Joyce
€ 8,00
Joyce, James
€ 8,00
James Joyce
€ 15,00
Joyce, James
€ 15,00
James Joyce
€ 9,00
Joyce, James
€ 9,00
The Critical Writings of James Joyce
James Joyce e.a.
€ 15,00
Joyce, James & Ellsworth Mason (editor) & Richard Ellmann (editor) & Guy Davenport (foreword)
€ 15,00
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
James Joyce e.a.
€ 8,00
Joyce, James & J.S. Atherton (introduction and notes)
€ 8,00
Ill Fares The Land: A Treatise On Our Present Discontents
Tony Judt
€ 10,00
Judt, Tony
€ 10,00
The Sixteen Satires
€ 8,00
€ 8,00
Metro. A novel of the Moscow underground
Alexander Kaletski
€ 5,00
Kaletski, Alexander
€ 5,00
The blue bedspread
Raj Kamal JHA
€ 5,00
Kamal JHA, Raj
€ 5,00
The Blue Bedspread
Raj Kamal Jha
€ 5,00
Kamal Jha, Raj
€ 5,00
The Master of Go *FIRST UK EDITION*
Yasunari Kawabata
€ 30,00
Kawabata, Yasunari
€ 30,00
Asa, as I Knew Him
Susanna Kaysen
€ 10,00
Kaysen, Susanna
€ 10,00
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