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Carmichael, Ann G. & Richar M. Ratzan (editors)
€ 15,00
Andres, Glenn M. & John M. Hunisak & A. Richard Turner
€ 65,00
Alexander, Victoria
€ 17,50
Cohn, Danièle
€ 90,00
Popham, Peter (text) & Kijuro Yahagi (photography)
€ 45,00
Kwiatkowski, Lulu de
€ 30,00
Wind, Diana A. & Lloyd Haft - and others
€ 35,00
Hilst, Ronald van der
€ 8,00
Assem, Marjolijn van den
€ 15,00
Gordon, Douglas & Jan Debbaut
€ 12,50
Lowry, Glenn D.
€ 15,00
Myskova, Zorina - and others
€ 10,00
Luckhardt, Jochen
€ 15,00
Celant, Germano
€ 30,00
Tuyl, Gijs van - and others
€ 12,50
Leiris, Michel
€ 12,50
Bloem, Marja & Annelie Lütgens (editors)
€ 20,00
Briot, Marie-Odile
€ 20,00
National Galleries Of Scotland
€ 8,00
Martos, Alberto Manzano
€ 15,00
Long, Richard
€ 65,00
Jeffrey, Ian
€ 25,00
Cicelyn, Eduardo & Mario Codognato & Mirta D'Argenzio
€ 35,00
Schneider, Eckhard
€ 9,00
Ferguson, Russell & Michael Darling & Francis McKee & Nancy Spector
€ 10,00
Labaume, Vincent
€ 12,50
Bhabha, Homi K. & Jean de Loisy & Norman Rosenthal
€ 12,50
Ruhkamp, Uta
€ 12,50
Morton, Tom & Dominic van den Boogerd & Matthew Day Jackson
€ 45,00
Adriani, Götz
€ 45,00
Cecilia Widenheim & Magnus af Petersens & Teresa Hahr (editors)
€ 12,50
Beil, Ralf & Uta Ruhkamp
€ 10,00
Schneider, Eckhard
€ 45,00
Boehm, Gottfried & Chrissie Iles & Heinz Liesbrock - and others
€ 12,50
Lawrence, Nora R. & Dennis Oppenheim & Willoughby Sharp
€ 60,00
Bremer, Jaap (redactie)
€ 10,00
Bonnefoy, Yves - and others
€ 20,00
Wallis, Clarrie (editor)
€ 20,00
Boogerd, Dominic van den & Xander Karskens & Catrin Backhaus - and others
€ 20,00
Bruggen, Coosje van
€ 15,00
Berliner, Nancy
€ 20,00
Smits, Janine
€ 10,00
Kalter, Johannes & Margareta Pavaloi
€ 10,00
Mapes-Frances, Alec & Adrienne Edwards & Andréa Picard
€ 20,00
Sturgis, Mathew & Michel Wolff (foreword)
€ 45,00
Acquavella, Eleanor
€ 25,00
Rheims, Maurice
€ 10,00
Giger, H.R. & Carl Laszlo & Michel Thévoz
€ 25,00
Smink, Ans (redactie)
€ 12,50
Muthesius, Angelika & Burkhard Riemschneider & Gilles Néret
€ 12,50
Rundle, Tim
€ 10,00
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
€ 20,00
Rogers, J.M.
€ 45,00
Debbaut, Jan (editor)
€ 15,00
Warhol, Andy
€ 100,00
Leidelmeijer, Frans & Emke Raassen-Kruimel
€ 10,00
Coudert, Thierry
€ 45,00
Kasmin, Paul Paul Kasmin
€ 200,00
Fahr-Becker, Gabriele
€ 20,00
Colleu-Dumond, Chantal & Éric Sander (photography)
€ 20,00
Toman, Rolf
€ 6,00
Fossati, Gildo
€ 10,00
Cooper, Rhonda & Jeffrey Cooper
€ 9,00
Meijer, Laure
€ 10,00
Michell, George
€ 45,00
Ingold, Tim & Christa Lichtenstein & Robert Macfarlane - and others
€ 20,00
Farthing, Stephen & Ed Webb-Ingall (editors)
€ 40,00
Reynolds, Valrae
€ 15,00
Marley, Christopher
€ 30,00
Gordon, Robert
€ 10,00
Galerie Gmurzynska
€ 20,00
Lacroix, Christian & Denis Podalydès
€ 15,00
Bossert, Helmuth Theodor
€ 8,00
Vlaanderen, André
€ 8,00
Grange, Jacques & Marie-Laure Jousset & Reed Krakoff & Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis & Adrian Dannatt (foreword)
€ 15,00
Mau, Bruce
€ 10,00
Sozzani, Carla
€ 20,00
Collectioneur Wereldmuseum
€ 10,00
Lu, Victoria
€ 15,00
Dwight, Eleanor
€ 10,00
Bourne, Henry
€ 20,00
Prichard, Sue - and others
€ 100,00
Galante, Maurizio
€ 50,00
Berger, Patricia & Terese Tse Bartholomew
€ 10,00
Campana, Fernando
€ 80,00
Pabst, Michael
€ 12,50
Halem, Pim van
€ 50,00
Pan, Lynn
€ 15,00
Turner, Mark & Lesley Hoskins
€ 10,00
Drucker, Johanna & Audrey Niffenegger & Krystyna Wasserman
€ 20,00
Kent, Rachel
€ 30,00
Barnard, Nicholas & Robyn Beeche (photographs)
€ 10,00
Editorial Board
€ 15,00
He, Li & Michael Knight
€ 40,00
Plunkett, John
€ 10,00
Benedict, Brad
€ 9,00
Vervoordt, Axel & Michael James Gardner
€ 15,00
Duras, Marguerite & Bernard Bonhomme
€ 12,50
Fletcher, Alan
€ 12,50
Grothues, Jürgen
€ 10,00
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