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Categorie Muziekinstrumenten

Aantal gevonden boeken: 137

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Orgel Concertgebouw in ere hersteld
Karin van Ingen Schenau
€ 6,00
Orgeln, 48 Bilder
Walter Haacke
€ 10,00
Orgels en organisten van de Dom te Utrecht van de 14e eeuw tot heden
Maarten Albert Vente
€ 5,00
Orgels in Nederland
Mr. A. Bouman
€ 6,00
Louis Kentner
€ 10,00
Pianola Bulletin (4 afleveringen)
Geerten - en anderen Godefroy
€ 10,00
Pianola Bulletin 16, juni 1981
Peter Suidman
€ 5,00
Peter Suidman e.a.
€ 12,50
Put Another Nickel in: a History of Coin-Operated Pianos and Orchestrions
Q. David Bowers
€ 25,00
Recorder technique
A. Rowland-Jones
€ 8,00
Schoene Musikinstrumenten
Friedemann Otterbach
€ 18,00
Schöne Musikinstrumente
Friedemann Otterbach
€ 18,00
Sounding Forms. African Musical Instruments
Marie-Thérèse Brincard
€ 45,00
Stainway & Sons
€ 8,00
Stichting tot Behoud van het Nederlandse Orgel - Map 1
Maarten Seijbel e.a.
€ 15,00
Strumenti ad arco. Principï fisici del loro funzionamento; Les instruments à archet. Principes physiques de leur fonctionnement
Paolo Peterlongo
€ 60,00
The Ampico Magazine: a Publication devoted to the Interests of Ampico Owners - Winter 1920
Henry Balfour e.a.
€ 20,00
The Bass Saxophone: two novelles by Josef Skvorecky
Josef Skvorecky
€ 10,00
The bassoon and contrabassoon
Lyndesay Graham Langwill
€ 12,50
The British Organ
Cecil Clutton e.a.
€ 8,00
The Collection of musical instruments. Part 1.
S. Gunji e.a.
€ 80,00
The Harpsichord and Clavichord
Raymond Russell
€ 12,50
The Organ Yearbook. Volume XXXII 2003
Peter Williams
€ 10,00
The Oxford Companion to Musical Instruments
Anthony Baines
€ 10,00
The Physics of Musical Instruments
Neville H. Fletcher e.a.
€ 50,00
The Recorder in the Seventeenth Century: Proceedings of the International Recorder Symposium, Utrecht 1993
David Lasocki
€ 25,00
The Russell Collection And Other Early Keyboard Instruments In Saint Cecilia's Hall Edinburgh
Sidney Newman e.a.
€ 8,00
The violin: its famous makers and their imitators
G. Hart
€ 65,00
The World Encyclopedia of Musical Instruments
Max Wade-Matthews
€ 10,00
Van Hagerbeer / Schnitger-orgel 1646 / 1725
Frank van Wijk
€ 5,00
Vijf eeuwen Zwolse orgels 1441-1971
Dr. Maarten Albert Vente
€ 12,00
Violin fingering. Its Theory and Practice
Carl Flesch
€ 100,00
Violin Playing and Violin Adjustment
James Winram
€ 20,00
Violin technique the natural way
Ronald Masin e.a.
€ 25,00
Violine und Violinspiel
Reinhold Jockisch
€ 15,00
Voordracht en registratie der orgelliteratuur
Hennie Schouten
€ 6,00
Yehudi Menuhin Music Guides: Piano
Louis Kentner
€ 12,50