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Categorie Algemeen Vogels

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Histoire naturelle des oiseaux
€ 750,00
A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds (3 volumes)
F.O. Morris
€ 500,00
The Birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden. Their Life Histories, Breeding Habits and Eggs (4 volumes)
G.F. Archer e.a.
€ 450,00
Description des Oiseaux suivie d'un exposé de l'art de les préparer et de les conserver. Keepsake d'histoire naturelle
A. Comte
€ 350,00
The Birds of Israel
Hadoram Shirihai
€ 200,00
Avifauna Neerlandica: lijst der tot dusverre in Nederland in wilden staat waargenomen vogelsoorten
R.C.E.G.J. Baron Snouckaert van Schauburg e.a.
€ 150,00
Handbook to the Birds of British Burmah (2 volumes)
E.W. A Oates
€ 150,00
Pheasants of the World: Their Breeding and Management *SIGNED*
Keith Howman
€ 150,00
Toucans, Barbets and Honeyguides. Ramphastidae, Capitonidae and Indicatoridae
Lester Short e.a.
€ 150,00
A Guide to the Birds of Colombia
S.L. Hilty e.a.
€ 100,00
Birds of Brazil: an Artistic View = Aves do Brasil: uma Visao Artistica
Tomas Sigrist
€ 100,00
Goose Populations of the Western Palaearctic: A Review of the Status and Distribution
Jesper Madsen e.a.
€ 100,00
Les Oiseaux de Chine, de Mongolie et de Corée non passereaux/ passereaux (2 volumes)
R.D. Etchécopar e.a.
€ 100,00
The Tree Sparrows
J. Denis Summers-Smith
€ 100,00
Zur Kenntnis nordostasiatischer Vögel. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik, Biologie und Verbreitung der Vögel Kamtschatkas und der Kurilen. Mit 32 Bildern und 2 Karten
Sten Bergman
€ 100,00
Birds of Estonia: Status, distribution and numbers
E. Leibak e.a.
€ 85,00
European Breeding Bird Atlas 2: Distribution, Abundance and Change
Verena Keller e.a.
€ 80,00
The Status of Marine Birds Breeding in the Barents Sea Region
T. Anker-Nilssen e.a.
€ 80,00
Verklarend en etymologisch woordenboek van de Nederlandse vogelnamen
K.J. Eigenhuis
€ 80,00
Where to watch birds on Azerbaijan
Napier Shelton e.a.
€ 80,00
Histoire naturelle des oiseaux dorés
Audebert J.-B. e.a.
€ 75,00
The Avifauna of Iraq
B.E. Allouse
€ 75,00
Cooperative breeding in birds: long-term studies of ecology and behavior
Peter B. Stacey e.a.
€ 65,00
Dutch Birding. Kenmerkengids voor vogels van Europa, Noord-Afrika en het Midden-Oosten
Nils van Duivendijk
€ 65,00
Pigeons and Doves. A Guide to the Pigeons and Doves of the World
David Gibbs e.a.
€ 65,00
Prodigious Birds. Moas and moa-hunting in prehistoric New-Zealand.
A. Anderson
€ 65,00
Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de Suisse 2013 - 2016: Distribution et évolution des effectifs des oiseaux en Suisse et au Liechtenstein
Peter Knaus e.a.
€ 60,00
The Birds of the Malay Peninsula. Vol. V. Conclusion, and Survey of Every Species
Lord Medway e.a.
€ 60,00
The Birds of the Republic of Panamá (4 volumes)
A. Wetmore
€ 60,00
The Handbook of British Birds (5 volumes)
H.F. - a.o. Witherby
€ 60,00
Birds of The Horn of Africa. Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, Socotra
Nigel Redman e.a.
€ 55,00
A Synopsis of the Avifauna of China
Tso-Hsin Cheng
€ 50,00
The Birds of South America: I) The Oscine Passerines; II) The Suboscine Passerines
Robert S. Ridgley e.a.
€ 50,00
A Handlist of Malaysian Birds. A Systematic List of the Birds of the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo and Java, Including the Adjacent Small Islands
Frederick Nutter Chasen
€ 45,00
De vogels van het Zuiderzeegebied + 4 aanvullingen
C.G.B. ten Kate
€ 45,00
Isländischer Vogel führer
Jóhann Óli Hilmarsson
€ 45,00
Manual de Identificação das Aves de Macau, Aves Residentes e Migradoras
Leonel Barros
€ 45,00
Some Birds of the Canary Islands and South Africa. Essays and Photographs
H.E. Harris
€ 45,00
The Birds of St Helena. An Annotated Checklist
Beau W. - a.o. Rowlands
€ 45,00
The Cotingas. Bellbirds, umbrellabirds and their allies
David Snow
€ 45,00
Tuinvogelwijzer (4 delen)
Anna Kemp e.a.
€ 45,00
Vogels en mensen in Nederland 1500-1920
J.H. de Rijk
€ 45,00
Woodpeckers: A Guide to the Woodpeckers, Piculets and Wrynecks of the World
Hans Winkler e.a.
€ 45,00
Birds of Southern Africa. The Sasol plates collection
Warwick Tarboton
€ 40,00
Ornitologia Brasiliense. Catalogo descritivo e ilustrado das Aves do Brasil. Primeiro volume. Parte introdutoria e Familias Rheidae a Cuculidae (All published)
O.M. de Oliveira Pinto
€ 40,00
The Coturnix Quail; Anatomy and Histology
Theodore C. Fitzgerald
€ 40,00
A Passion for Birds. American Ornithology after Audubon
Jr. Barrow
€ 35,00
Antpittas and Gnateaters
Haold F. Greeney
€ 35,00
Birds of the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia
Robert A. Canning e.a.
€ 35,00
Curassows and Related Birds
Jean Delacour e.a.
€ 35,00
Distribution of Bird-Life in Ecuador
F.M. Chapman
€ 35,00
In search of the Cirl Bunting
Andrew Cole
€ 35,00
The Birds of Burma
B.E. Smythies
€ 35,00
The History of British Birds
D.W. Yalden e.a.
€ 35,00
The life of the White Stork
Fr. Haverschmidt
€ 35,00
A list of the birds recorded from Bangka Island, Indonesia
G.F. Mees
€ 30,00
A systematic review of the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (part III)
G.F. Mees
€ 30,00
Arkansas Birds. Their Distribution and Abundance
Douglas A. James e.a.
€ 30,00
Atlas of Victorian Birds.
W. B. Emison e.a.
€ 30,00
Audubons Birds of America: The Royal Octavo Edition
John James Audubon
€ 30,00
Avifauna der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (3 volumes)
G. Klafs e.a.
€ 30,00
Die fremdländischen Stubenvögel. Mit 400 Bildern in Dert und 42 Tafeln in Farbendruck
Karl Neunzig
€ 30,00
Envoûtantes beçasses
Robert Delhaye e.a.
€ 30,00
Field Guide to the Birds of Kenya & Northern Tanzania
Dale A. Zimmerman e.a.
€ 30,00
Helping and Communal Breeding in Birds. Ecology and Evolution
Jerram L. Brown
€ 30,00
Kompendium der Lerchen. Alle Lerchen unserer Erde. Alaudidae
R. Pätzhold
€ 30,00
Les Oiseaux du Proche et du Moyen Orient, de la Méditerranée aux contreforts de l'Himalaya
F. Hue e.a.
€ 30,00
Looking at Birds: An Antidote to Field Guides
John Busby
€ 30,00
New Zealand Birds
W.R.B. Oliver
€ 30,00
The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Michigan
Richard Brewer e.a.
€ 30,00
The atlas of Quails
David Alderton
€ 30,00
The Birds of South America. Volume I: The Oscine Passerines
Robert S. Ridgely e.a.
€ 30,00
The Birds of the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Covering Burma and Thailand south of the eleventh parallel, Peninsula Malaysia and Singapore. Volume 1. Non-passerines
D.R. Wells
€ 30,00
The Flight of the Emu. A Hundred Years of Australian Ornithology 1901-2001
Libby Robin
€ 30,00
Turner on birds: a short and succinct history
William Turner e.a.
€ 30,00
Woodcock: Fieldcraft and Quarry
Colin Trotman
€ 30,00
Atlas der Brutvögel Österreichs. Ergebnis der Brutvogelkartierung 1981 - 1985 der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Vogelkunde.
Michael Dvorak e.a.
€ 25,00
Cuban ornithology
Thomas Barbour
€ 25,00
Historische gegevens over onze vroegere ornithologen en over de avifauna van Nederland
G.A. Brouwer
€ 25,00
Historische gegevens over onze vroegere ornithologen en over de avifauna van Nederland
G.A. Brouwer
€ 25,00
Historische gegevens over onze vroegere ornithologen en over de avifauna van Nederland
G.A. Brouwer
€ 25,00
The atlas of bird migration: tracing the great journeys of the world's birds
Jonathan Elphick
€ 25,00
The bird fauna of the West Sumatra Islands
S. Dillon Ripley
€ 25,00
The birds of Borneo
B.E. Smythies
€ 25,00
The Birds of Japan
Mark A. Brazil e.a.
€ 25,00
The Birds of Korea
M.E.J. Gore e.a.
€ 25,00
The Birds of the Phillippines. An Annotated Checklist
Edward C. Dickinson e.a.
€ 25,00
A Contribution to the Ornithology of Northeastern Brazil
C.E. Hellmayr
€ 20,00
Anare Reports series B. Volume I: Zoology: The Birds of Heard Island
M.C. Downes e.a.
€ 20,00
Birds of the Harold Hall Australian Expeditions 1962-70
B.P. Hall
€ 20,00
Buffon: Les oiseaux
Jean Gall
€ 20,00
Egg & Nest
Rosamond Purcell e.a.
€ 20,00
Guardian Spirit of the East Bank. A Celebration of the Life of R.A.Richardson
Moss Taylor
€ 20,00
Guide to the birds of Madagascar
Olivier Langrand
€ 20,00
Les Oiseaux
Johmn Gould
€ 20,00
Mus musculus: De heruitgave van een in 1925 verschenen proefschrift ter ontbunseling van de historische identiteit, betekenis en reikwijdte van de huismuis maar vooral ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Vistjebjorg, Denemarken
A.H.M. de Laat
€ 20,00
Philippine Birds
John E. DuPont
€ 20,00
Population Ecology of the Cooperatively Breeding Acorn Woodpecker
Walter D. Koenig e.a.
€ 20,00
Ptaki Biebrzanskich Bagien = The Birds of Biebrza's Marshes = Die Vogel Der Biebrza-Sumpfe
Grzegorz Klosowscy e.a.
€ 20,00
Reader's Digest: Complete Book of Australian Birds
H.J. Frith
€ 20,00
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