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Categorie WO II

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D-Day with the Screaming Eagles
George E. Koskimaki
€ 10,00
Hell's Highway: De 101e Airborne Divisie tijdens Operation Market Garden (2 delen)
George E. Koskimaki
€ 30,00
Hell's Highway: De 101e Airborne Divisie tijdens Operation Market Garden. Deel 2
George E. Koskimaki
€ 20,00
The Battered Bastards of Bastogne
George E. Koskimaki
€ 45,00
Konzentrations- und Strafgefangenenlager im Emsland 1933-1945. Zum Verhaltnis von NS-Regime und Justiz. Darstellung und Dokumentation
Erich Kosthorst e.a.
€ 30,00
Through the Burning Steppe: A Memoir of Wartime Russia, 1942-1943
Elena Kozhina
€ 8,00
Conscientious Objectors of the Second World War. Refusing to Fight
Ann Kramer
€ 10,00
Das urteil von Nurnberg 1946
Herbert Kraus
€ 5,00
Burma Railway: Some Scenes Remembered: A Visual Recollection
Otto Kreefft
€ 20,00
Burma Railway: Some Scenes Remembered: A Visual Recollection
Otto Kreefft
€ 20,00
Polderschouw / Mensenheugenis / Binnenskamers / De Meelstreep (4 delen)
Conny Kristel e.a.
€ 40,00
Hitler und seine Deutschen
Christian Graf von Krockow
€ 8,00
The Hour of the Women
Christian von Krockow
€ 12,50
In het land van de vijand. Mijn jaren van gedwongen arbeid 1943 - 1945
Ben Kroon
€ 6,00
'Remembrance and friendship Bergen N.H. 1939-1945" en de voorgeschiedenis
J.J. Kroon
€ 10,00
Pregnant Women and Children Born in Auschwitz
Helena Kubica
€ 20,00
The Young Hitler I Knew: The Definitive Inside Look at the Artist Who Became a Monster
August Kubizek
€ 30,00
Arnhem and the Aftermath: Airborne Assaults in the Netherlands 1940-1945
Harry A. Kuiper
€ 15,00
Deutsche Fallschirm- Jäger im 2. Weltkrieg 1939 - 1945
Franz Kurowski
€ 12,50
Dresden: Februar 1945
Franz Kurowski
€ 10,00
America and the Return of Nazi Contraband: The Recovery of Europe's Cultural Treasures
Michael J. Kurtz
€ 25,00
German Paratroops: Uniforms, Insignia & Equipment of the Fallschirmjager in World War II
Robert Kurtz
€ 30,00
A Special Mission: Hitler's Secret Plot to Seize the Vatican and Kidnap Pope Pius XII
Dan Kurzman
€ 10,00
Day of the Bomb Hiroshima 1945
Dan Kurzman
€ 10,00
Hitler verovert Parijs
Jeroen Kuypers
€ 5,00
Deutsche Fallschirmjäger im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Grüne Teufel im Sprungeinsatz und Erdkampf 1939-1945
Volkmar Kühn
€ 9,00
Van jodenhoed tot gele ster
K Kwiet
€ 5,00
Norway 1940: The Forgotten Fiasco
Joseph Kynoch
€ 15,00
Point blank and beyond
Lionel Lacey-Johnson
€ 8,00
Point blank and beyond
Lionel Lacey-Johnson
€ 8,00
Frontstalag 142. The Internment Diary of an English Lady
Katherine Lack
€ 10,00
Commandos and Rangers of World War II
James Ladd
€ 10,00
Commandos and Rangers of World War II
James Ladd
€ 10,00
Commandos and Rangers of World War Two
James Ladd
€ 10,00
SBS: The Invisible Raiders: The History of the Special Boat Squadron from World War Two to the Present
James D. Ladd
€ 10,00
The Illustrated Hitler Diary, 1917-1945
Stuart Laing
€ 8,00
Officers at Arnhem: An Examination of the Command Structure of the British 1st Airborne Division Which Fought at Arnhem in September 1944
Trevor Laing
€ 10,00
Tekens in Westerbork
Carry van Lakerveld
€ 5,00
Afspraak met het geluk
Raymond Lallemant
€ 12,50
Tussen de hemel en de zee. De luchtoorlog boven het middellandsezeegebied.
Charles Lamb
€ 6,50
Mussolini as Diplomat: Il Duce's Italy on the World Stage
Richard Lamb
€ 10,00
The Lost Life of Eva Braun
Angela Lambert
€ 12,50
La formation des agents secrets par le SOE durant la Seconde guerre mondiale
Franck Lambert
€ 20,00
The Saboteurs: Free French
Franck Lambert
€ 20,00
Oosterbeek, september 1944: zeer bewogen dagen uit de Slag om Arnhem
Jan Lammerts
€ 25,00
Day of Trinity
Lansing Lamont
€ 12,50
The Last Ditch: Britain's Resistance Plans Against the Nazis
David Lampe
€ 30,00
A Trenchard Brat at War. Stirling, Lancaster and Stalag IVB
Thomas Lancashire e.a.
€ 12,50
The Battle of the River Plate. The First Naval Battle of the Second World War
Gordon Landsborough
€ 12,50
Tobruk Commando
Gordon Landsborough
€ 9,00
Return to St. Valéry: The Story of an Escape through Wartime France and Syria
Derek Lang
€ 8,00
Krieg der Bomber. Dokumentation einer deutschen Katastrophe
Jochen von Lang
€ 8,00
Krieg der Bomber. Dokumentation einer deutschen Katastrophe
Jochen von Lang
€ 8,00
505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division
Allen L. Langdon
€ 75,00
Knights of the Floating Silk
George Langelaan
€ 10,00
The War in Europe: From the Kasserine Pass to Berlin, 1942-1945
John Langellier
€ 10,00
The War in Europe: From the Kasserine Pass to Berlin, 1942-1945
John Langellier
€ 10,00
US Army Uniforms: Europe, 1944-1945
John P. Langellier
€ 8,00
Art from Ashes. A Holocaust Anthology
Lawrence L. Langer
€ 15,00
Reign of Terror. The Budapest Memoir of Valdemar Langlet
Valdemar Langlet
€ 10,00
Normandie 44 et les reliques de la bataille
François de Lannoy
€ 10,00
Hitlers München: Aufstieg und Fall der Hauptstadt der Bewegung
David Clay Large
€ 10,00
Aan de bronnen van het verzet. De strijd der gemeente Ommen tegen de Duitse overheersing 1940-1945
Jef Last
€ 25,00
Spionnen agenten soldaten
Margaret Laufenberg
€ 9,00
US Airborne Forces of World War Two
Cameron P. Laughlin
€ 8,00
De fatale vriendschappen van Adolf Eichmann
Stan Lauryssens
€ 6,00
Reusel tijdens de Tweeede Wereldoorlog
Wim Lavrijsen
€ 25,00
A bloody war: One man's memories of the Canadian Navy, 1939-45
Hal Lawrence
€ 12,50
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo
Captain Ted W. Lawson
€ 10,00
Rescue as Resistance: How Jewish Organizations Fought the Holocaust in France
Lucien Lazare
€ 12,00
Grounded Eagles: Captures and Wrecked Aircraft of the Luftwaffe
Tom Leamlein
€ 30,00
Want jij draagt mijn naam: in de schaduw van een nazivader
Norbert Lebert
€ 5,00
Surviving Hitler: Choices, Corruption and Compromise in the Third Reich
Adam Lebor e.a.
€ 8,00
De stranden van de Landing
Yves Lecouturier
€ 8,00
De stranden van de landing
Yves Lecouturier
€ 10,00
Gert Ledig
€ 6,00
Marching Orders: The Untold Story of World War II
Bruce Lee
€ 10,00
And we thought the war was over
David Lee
€ 8,00
Beachhead Assault: The Story of the Royal Naval Commandos in World War II
David Lee
€ 10,00
Beachhead Assault: the Story of the Royal Naval Commandos in World War II
David Lee e.a.
€ 10,00
Voices from the Battle of the Bulge: First Hand Accounts from the Ardennes Offensive
Nigel de Lee
€ 10,00
And Maybe a Man: With the Royal Signals of the Sixth Airborne Division, 1943-1946
Raymond Leeming
€ 80,00
De Crash van de Padvinder
P. van der Leer
€ 8,00
Erit. Dagboek 2 oktober 1944 tot 12 augustus 1945
Jan van der Leeuw e.a.
€ 8,00
Todeskandidat: hoe Ko van Leeuwen werd verraden * met GESIGNEERDE brief*
Freek van Leeuwen
€ 10,00
9x Feldpost to Elly Heinze
Soldat Willy Legschneider
€ 40,00
In Hitler's Bunker: A Boy Soldier's Eyewitness Account of the Führer's Last Days
Armin D. Lehmann e.a.
€ 15,00
Duitsche Soldaten: Wetenswaardigheden over de Duitse Weermacht
Majoor Otto Lehmann
€ 150,00
Ostpreußisches Tagebuch. Großdruck. Aufzeichnungen eines Arztes aus den Jahren 1945-1947
Hans Graf von Lehndorff
€ 10,00
Sympathy for the Devil: Neutral Europe and Nazi Germany in World War II
Christian Leitz
€ 30,00
Du Ciel a l'Enfer
Benoît Lelandais
€ 15,00
Forteresse Escaut - Novembre 1944 le dernier débarquement des Bérets verts
André H. Lemoine
€ 8,00
Hitler's Stormtroopers. The SA, the Nazis' Brownshirts, 1922 - 1945
Jean-Denis Lepage
€ 15,00
Icare: revue de l'aviation francaise: Aviateurs et Resistants: Tome 2
Les Hommes Volants
€ 10,00
Toons at war: World War II Disneyana Collectibles
David Lesjak
€ 25,00
SAS in Tuscany 1943-45
Brian Lett
€ 12,50
SAS in Tuscany 1943-45
Brian Lett
€ 12,50
The Small Scale Raiding Force
Brian Lett
€ 15,00
The Small Scale Raiding Force
Brian Lett
€ 15,00
Rossano. A Valley in Flames: An Adventure of the Italian Resistance
Major Gordon Lett
€ 12,50
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