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Masters of Italian Art: Piero della Francesca 1416/17-1492
Birgit Laskowski
€ 10,00
Netherlandish Art in the Rijksmuseum 1400-1600
Henk van Os e.a.
€ 12,50
Gesmolten klank, gestold geluid: beelden in brons *GESIGNEERD*
Hieke Meppelink
€ 10,00
Die altniederländische Malerei: Ihr Ursprung und Wesen (2 volumes)
Erwin Panofsky e.a.
€ 30,00
Edward Hopper Posterbook
Rolf Günther Renner
€ 12,50
Opperlans! Taal- & letterkunde
€ 17,50
Het ontluiken van de Renaissancekunst: de deuren van de Doopkapel te Florence
Antonio Paolucci
€ 9,00
Unus et Alter: een directe weg naar het lezen van klassieke Latijnse teksten
Rogier Eikeboom
€ 10,00
Hiroshige: One Hundred Views of Edo: Woodblock Prints
Mikhail Uspensky
€ 17,50
De westerse architectuur: een geschiedenis
David Watkin
€ 30,00
Stille sneeuwval: de geschiedenis van de gezusters Makioka
Junichiro Tanizaki
€ 10,00
Duitsland: biografie van een natie
Neil MacGregor
€ 15,00
De ontdekking van de hemel
Harry Mulisch
€ 12,50
Europeanen: het ontstaan van een gemeenschappelijke cultuur
Orlando Figes
€ 20,00
Jan Mankes: schilder van tederheid - een biografie
Rémon van Gemeren
€ 20,00
Keerpunten: tien beslissingen die de Tweede Wereldoorlog voorgoed veranderden, 1940-1941
Ian Kershaw
€ 10,00
Hitler: A Biography
Ian Kershaw
€ 20,00
Roofvogels en uilen van Noordwest-Europa
Paul Böhre e.a.
€ 15,00
De goddelijke komedie (2 delen in box)
Dante Alighieri
€ 40,00
Andrea Palladio 1508-1580: architect tussen renaissance en barok
Manfred Wundram e.a.
€ 10,00
Chinese Painting
James Cahill
€ 10,00
Käthe Ruyssenaars: Vrienden voor het leven
Ton Thelen
€ 10,00
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner: The Photographic Work
Roland Scotti
€ 25,00
Caspar David Friedrich: Die Erfindung Der Romantik
Hubertus Gaßner
€ 20,00
Plenty: groente genoeg om héél lekker te koken
Yotam Ottolenghi
€ 20,00
Das Gesicht der Westfront: ein Kriegsdokument und Erinnerungsbuch
Ernst Vollbehr e.a.
€ 45,00
Bryan Adams: Wounded: The Lagecy of War
Caroline Froggatt
€ 30,00
Topography of Armageddon: A British Trench Map Atlas of the Western Front 1914-1918
Peter Chasseaud e.a.
€ 80,00
Jane's Fighting Ships of World War II
Antony Preston
€ 12,50
Wings of Fame: The Journal of Classic Combat Aircraft (2o volumes)
John Heathcott
€ 50,00
Der Weltkrieg im Bild (2 volumes)
George Soldan
€ 30,00
Der Weltkrieg im Bild (2 volumes)
George Soldan
€ 30,00
Stützpunkt WN 62: Normandie 1942-1944
Helmut Konrad von Keusgen
€ 15,00
Geheime Kommandoposten der Armeeführung im Zweiten Weltkrieg: Projekte, Bauten und der Mobile Kommandoposten
Hans-Rudolf Maurer
€ 15,00
The Fatal Fortress. The Guns and Fortifications of Singapore 1819 - 1956
Bill Clements
€ 10,00
Cold War Secret Nuclear Bunkers: The Passive Defence of the Western World During the Cold War
N.J. McCamley
€ 10,00
The Development of Piston Aero Engines: From the Wrights to Microlights: A Century of Evolution and Still a Power to Be Reckoned With
Bill Gunston
€ 12,50
Defending Britain: Twentieth-Century Defences in the Landscape
Mike Osborne
€ 12,50
Tanks of the World: Taschenbuch der Panzer - Edition 7
Walter Amann
€ 10,00
20th Century Defences in Britain
David Burridge
€ 10,00
Secret Underground Cities: An Account of Some of Britains Subterranean Defence, Factory and Storage Sites in the Second World War
Nick McCamley
€ 10,00
Saab J21/J21R
Mikael Forslund
€ 45,00
Modern Combat Aircraft Series (28 volumes)
Bill Gunston e.a.
€ 125,00
Combat Fleets of the World 1988/89: Their Ships, Aircraft and Armament
Jean Labayle Couhat e.a.
€ 15,00
Changi: Singapore International Airport
John K. Morton
€ 10,00
Boeing Jetliners
Robbie Shaw
€ 10,00
Grounded: forsaken & deserted aeroplanes
Graham Robson
€ 10,00
Flying High
Konstantin von Wedelstaedt
€ 20,00
Patrick van Dam: Mission Ready
Sybren Kuiper e.a.
€ 50,00
Vietnam Choppers: Helicopters in Battle 1950-1975 - Revised Edition
Simon Dunstan
€ 12,50
US Air Force Nose Art - into the '90s
Norman Taylor
€ 9,00
Fortresses of the Big Triangle First: a History of the Aircraft Assigned to the First Bombardment Wing and First Bombardment Division of the Eighth Air Force from August 1942 to 31st March 1944
Cliff T. Bishop
€ 12,50
Chinese Air Power: Current Organisation and Aircraft of all Chinese Air Forces
Yefim Gordon e.a.
€ 30,00
War of our fathers: Relics of the Pacific battlefields
David H. Kogut e.a.
€ 15,00
Les Revenants, Avions De La Seconde Guerre Mondiale
Philip Makanna e.a.
€ 15,00
Ghosts of the Skies: Aviation in the Second World War
Philip Makanna
€ 15,00
Battle of Britain combat archive. Volume 12: 9 September - 11 September 1940
Simon W. Parry
€ 15,00
Battle Of The Bulge: Then and Now
Jean-Paul Pallud e.a.
€ 30,00
German Armoured Warfare of World War II: the Unpublished Photographs, 1939-1945
Ian Baxter
€ 10,00
D-Day Then & Now (2 volumes in box)
Winston G. Ramsey
€ 65,00
Michell Masterpieces Volume 1: an illustrated history of paint jobs on B-25s in U.S. service
Wim Nijenhuis
€ 45,00
Vietnam Air War Debrief: The Story of the Aircraft, the Battles and the Pilots Who Fought
Robert F. Dorr e.a.
€ 10,00
End of Flightplan: Final flights of the KLM McDonnell Douglas MD-11
Erwin Gabel e.a.
€ 30,00
Soviet Bus Stops
Christopher Herwig
€ 10,00
Weathered witness: Relics of the First World War = Verstild en versteend: Relicten uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog
Wim Degrande e.a.
€ 20,00
Corsair: The Saga of the Legendary Bent-Wing Fighter-Bomber
Walter A. Musciano
€ 45,00
De Stelling van Amsterdam: Harnas voor de hoofdstad
Paul Vesters
€ 10,00
Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than Just a Tanker
Robert S. Hopkins III
€ 10,00
"Ostwall": Die vergessene Festungsfront "Oder-Warthe-Bogen"
Christel Focken
€ 30,00
Sterkste zeeslepers ter wereld
G.J. de Boer
€ 9,00
Helicopters at work = Elicotteri al lavoro
Dino Marcellino
€ 20,00
Military Harley-Davidson
Pat Ware
€ 30,00
One last look: A sentimental journey to the Eighth Air Force heavy bomber bases of World War II in England *SIGNED*
Philip Kaplan e.a.
€ 20,00
Lightning: Volume II *SIGNED*
Ian Black
€ 60,00
Lightning 1954-2014 *SIGNED*
Ian Black
€ 60,00
Tornado Warlord
Ian with Jamie Hunter Black
€ 45,00
Combat Ready
Ian Black
€ 45,00
F4UK Phantom 1968-1992 *SIGNED*
Ian Black
€ 45,00
Rhodesian soldier and others who fought
Chas Lotter
€ 25,00
Die Geschichte der schweizerischen Landesbefestigung
Hans Rudolf Fuhrer e.a.
€ 40,00
Dunkle Welten: Bunker, Tunnel und Gewölbe unter Berlin
Dietmar Arnold e.a.
€ 9,00
Grounded Eagles: Captures and Wrecked Aircraft of the Luftwaffe
Tom Leamlein
€ 30,00
Wolfsschanze: Fotografien von Walter Frentz
Christoph Birnbaum e.a.
€ 10,00
A Photojournalist's Field Guide: In the Trenches with Combat Photographer Stacy Pearsall
Stacy Pearsall
€ 10,00
Inside AMARC: The Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Centre, Tucson, Arizona
Shane Fugere e.a.
€ 9,00
101st Airborne in Normandy
Dominique François
€ 35,00
German Amateur Photographers in the First World War: A View from the Trenches on the Western Front
Sebastian Remus
€ 30,00
Second World War Secret Bunkers
Nick Catford
€ 20,00
Cold War Bunkers
Nick Catford
€ 20,00
Storm of Eagles: The Greatest Aviation Photographs of World War II
John Dibbs e.a.
€ 12,50
The Vietnam Photo Book
Mark Jury
€ 20,00
A Military Atlas of the First World War
Arthur Banks
€ 9,00
Shooter: Combat From Behind The Camera
Stacy Pearsall
€ 20,00
AMIR: Mirage IIIRS; Nil non videmus (2 volumes in box)
Peter Lewis
€ 50,00
Introduction to Airborne Radar - Second Edition
George W. Stimson
€ 30,00
The Secret Horsepower Race: Western Front Fighter Engine Development
Calum E. Douglas
€ 25,00
Así se va a las alturas II
Revista Aeronáutica
€ 65,00
Mirage IV: la fin d'un règne
Alexandre Paringaux
€ 25,00
The Saab Jas 39 Gripen
Andy Evans
€ 20,00
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